Rich x Reader part 2

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Your POV:

Ugh. He is a disgusting popular kid. Of course I would dislike him. "So this must be Michael...." I said quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself. "Jeremy my buddy. How's it hangin? Look who's bangin! Got yourself your own lady, SCORE!" Jeremy blushed and punched him in the arm as he cut off the rest of what he was saying in unison to Bob Marley. "Look, it's Christine...." He said, his face red. "Gross, I'mma head out. I don't feel like watching guys drool over girls...." I said uncomfortable. Michael grabbed my arm. "He is about to do something stupidly hilarious. Rich knew this I think. He is talking about it with Jake." I turned and saw Jeremy at the play rehearsal sign ups. "Oh God no....." I said, stifling a laugh. "GAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" I hear that ass yell as everyone laughs in unison. I began to walk away, trying to avoid any human contact, when a hand grabbed my waist, pulling me closer.

Rich's POV:

Now is my chance. She is isolated from her little nerd group. "Squip what do I do to win her?" I think to my squip. DON'T ACT LIKE SHE IS AN ITEM. DON'T HIT ON HER TOO HARD. ALL GOOD THINGS COME WITH TIME. I CAN TELL THAT SHE HAS SOCIAL ANXIETY THEREFORE​ MEANING IF YOU PUT HER ON THE SPOT RIGHT HERE SHE CANNOT DO A THING ABOUT IT. My Squip informs me. I pull her closer as she whispers in a pissy voice,"What the hell do you think you are doing!? I'mma kick your ass," I laugh quietly."Do it, right now." I snicker. She turns pale."I-I can't r-right now, there's too many people." I felt guilt building in my chest. I unwrap my arm. "T-t-t-there a-a-all looking a-a-at m-me......." She said as she backed away. Her legs began to wobble and I looked sympathetically into her fear stricken eyes as she collapsed. I grabbed her arm before she hit the ground and I carried her bridal style into a janitor closet that was abandoned. Everyone uses it to skip class. She curls up, pressing her face into my chest. I sat down blushing harshly as my Squip began to speak. THAT WAS SMOOTH. GREAT JOB. NOW THAT YOU HAVE THE GIRL, I'VE COMPLETELY ASSESSED HER. ONCE HER EYES, WHICH WILL BE FULL OF TEARS, FLUTTER OPEN, PRESS YOUR LIPS SOFTLY BUT FIRMLY ONTO HERS AND WIPE HER TEARS. DO NOT BE SEXUAL. NO TONGUE. ONE HAND CUPS HER FACE, THE OTHER HOLDS HER BACK. SHE WILL BE CONFUSED, BUT AS I SAID, ALL GOOD THINGS COME WITH TIME. My Squip finished up with it's rant and I sat there waiting for her to awaken. I began softly humming as she shifted. Her eyes fluttered open. They were full of tears. "Now I make my move" I think to myself.

/A/n/ Fixed a bunch of mistakes

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