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Amy's P.O.V.

At the desert, 11:35 am. Thursday.

I woke up to the sound of rain tapping against the window. Of course, at first, I wanted to do nothing more than sit on a couch, have a cup of coffee in my hands to keep me warm and listen to the rain.

But then, I turned over to my left and saw Mark laying right beside me on the bed. At first, I smiled. Then I saw the frown on his face. Was it a nightmare? I did not know.

I stroked his arm, that was still wrapped around me. I had no idea how he had managed to not move at all during the night. I kept staring at him for a while, watching his face turn into a terrified expression. This fascinated me. I know I should be worried, wake him up, but god.. The sight was breathtaking. Of course, I was still worried. I did not want him to suffer. I slipped out of his grasp, immediately hearing him whimper. That broke my heart, but I had to get a picture of this.

Usually, I only take pictures of decorations, sunsets, sunrises, anything of that sort. But Mark.. He was truly something else. I quickly found my camera and angled it so that it was perfect. I snapped the picture, then looked at it for a while.

I had to hang this on my wall or something.

I put my camera aside, sitting beside Mark. I stroked his face, watching him lean into my hand. I felt, amazing. I don't know why Mark made me feel this way.

I had only met the guy last week, for fuck's sake. But I wouldn't know how to survive without him already. Of course, my job was something that calmed me down, made me happy. But, with Mark.. I feel like a princess. He treated me as such and always made me feel like such, too.

He had made my life so much better in such a short time. He thought he had flaws, while I thought he was the pure definition of perfection. I always told myself that perfection did not exist, but to me Mark is exactly that. I smiled, leaning in to press a kiss against his forehead.

He smiled a tiny bit, relaxing visibly. Then, he began mumbling. It was inaudible, seeing as his lips were barely moving. I watched him intently, trying to understand what he was saying.

Suddenly, he sat up. His eyes began to water immediately as he looked around the room frantically. Oh no, I knew what this was leading to.

"Mark! Mark, look at me!"

Mark was hyperventilating, flailing his arms around like someone was trying to grab him, hurt him.

I grabbed his arms, pulling him in for a hug. I pulled back, looking into his eyes. Tears were now streaming down his face. "Mark, breathe in for three seconds, then out for five seconds. Come on baby, you can do this."

Mark nodded, hastily. He clasped his hands around my hands even tighter, trying so desperately to calm down. For a few minutes, it was just him gasping and me telling him that it'd all be okay. He calmed down, sobbing after doing so. I felt bad for him, I did. I didn't have to know what he saw in his nightmare. I wanted to be there for him, support him.

Mark wrapped his arms around my middle, pulling me close so he could lay his hear on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair, tapping his arm with my other hand. Whispering comforting words into his ear, that was exactly what he needed. That always seemed to calm me down when I used to have a panick attack.

I heard soft snores and then laid his head back down on the pillow. I decided that it was best if I made breakfast for us both and then woke him up once again. I didn't know if he would tell me what had made him have a panick attack. I was curious to know, but I didn't want to push him. He knew his own limits and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

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