A little bit

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A little bit of luck, that's all he ever asked for

A little bit of laughs, that's all everyone wanted

A little bit of warmth, a cuddle, a hug

A little bit of everything would be quite enough

Would it not?

A little bit more of this, a little bit more of that

No one ever seems content, never more serene

If only, If only, the sun would shine brighter

A little more light, and the world would be greater

Could it be?

Only a little bit more of convincing can ease a temptation

Only a little bit less of temptation can ease the convincing

Can it stop the evil, can it stop the cruel?

Can a little bit more, or a little bit less

Be the end of all the suffering?


Yes. I am completely aware of how bad the poem was written. Honest comments please? Also, if you do like it, please vote or follow :)

This chapter is dedicated to @Ronnie92 because she's awesome and she's my new wattpad friend who loves anime (I mean how awesome is that?).

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