"If you wish," Klaus replied, before they each go into their respective cars. Making the wordless decision that they would follow Stiles.

Before he left the car park, Stiles send a quick text to Scott saying, Wait for me at school, I won't be long. He then took the route to a secluded part of town, next to the woods.

Scott appeared out of the front door of Beacon Hills Highschool about five minutes after Stiles had departed. He was surprised at the absence of the baby blue jeep his best friend owned, it usually stuck out like a red thumb in the school parking lot. Scott was marginally annoyed about this, Stiles had promised him a lift home, and Scott definitely didn't feel like walking.

He stood motionless while pondering what to do. A few students gave him strange looks as they passed, he looked a bit lost to them. Scott was jolted into action by the soft vibrations of his phone, that was in his front jean pocket. He had received two messages from his mother and one from Stiles.

The message from his mother was the usual. 'Working late tonight, don't wait up' and 'there's money on the table for dinner'. It was nothing new. Sometimes he liked to pretend that mum didn't have to work late shift to just break even but reality always had to reappear at some point.

Next Scott read the text from Stiles, 'Wait for me at school, I won't be long' Scott decided he would do just that. Who wants to go home to an empty house, when your best friend is going to give you a lift, he figured. Scott could also get a chance to read the book Deaton gave him last night, which he hadn't had time to look at yet.

So Scott took a seat at the front of school, in the afternoon sun and started to read about the Mikaelsons.

Stiles Mikaelson had reached a part of beacon hills that he deemed worthy for their brotherly catch up. Ie no one around, Stiles thought. His and Klaus' conversations could often get out of hand and turn into very destructive fights.

Sure enough Klaus had followed him, his black car was now parked a good ten meters away from Stiles' jeep. They both had parked their cars slightly haphazardly but neither of them really cared. The pair meet half way between their vehicles.

"So where were we Klaus. What did you want to say?" Stiles decided to start the conversation of with.

"I just wanted to know where you have been and what you have been doing, little brother. I am curious to know." Klaus answered. He clasped his hands in front of him, much a gesture a small child would do if they were trying to convince their parent to buy them sweets. Stiles noticed that Klaus did the movement often, he liked to think of it as the cherry on top of the sundae, or the pretty in front of the please. Klaus did it when he wanted answers but wanted to hide his real intentions by making himself look more gentleman like.

"Oh I'm sure you already know, Klaus" Stiles answers. His brother was in fact trying to act more gentleman like, if he really wanted to know he would of already found out. It was unlike Klaus to be unknowledgeable on something that concerned him.

"No I really have no idea. Rebekah and Elijah seem to have taken your side on the matter and have told me nothing of your whereabouts."

"Well if that is true, how did you find me?" Stiles asked. It wasn't that he did trust them it was just that Klaus had a nasty habit of threatening the answers out of people. And two original vampires who didn't want to be dead facing a hybrid who had a sliver dagger, wasn't exactly a fair fight.

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