Chapter 66: LA Trip: Day 4

Start from the beginning

I close my phone and I say "We are making a quick stop before the hotel girls. Hope no one minds." I start driving to my home aka Justin's home.

I arrive and I pull into the parking lot. I say "Come on guys. We have to go in real quick." Becky asks "Isn't this Justin's home?" I smirk and I keep walking. I knock on the door and he opens it. He's smiling really big and he hugs me. After the hug, he hugs all my friends and we walk inside. Justin says "I hear you girls came to Los Angeles to have some fun and spend time with each other. So, are you guys going to have fun or be boring?" Really! Boring! Now it sounds mean! I playfully slap him and he says "I apologize for saying boring. Are you going to have lots of fun or just a little fun?" Okay Justin okay. Cassie replies "I guess we want to have lots of fun." He asks "You guess?" She responds "I mean of course we will." He nods and gives her a high five. I notice they are starting to smile and look happier now. Justin says "Alright enough of me, you girls can leave and have lots of fun. Remember to have fun." They nod and he hugs me. My friends start walking off and he says "I never got my two kisses." I reply "Oh yeah." I lean over and kiss him on the lips. I say "One done one to go." I lean over again and I kiss him. I then say "Thanks for helping me. You're the best." He replies "Anytime love anytime." I reply "I love you." He responds "Love you too." I walk out and back to the car. I unlock it and we get inside.

I ask "What should we do?" They all say that they still want to relax today. Okay okay. I drive to the hotel and I park. We all get our bags out and we walk inside. I check in at the front desk and we go to our room. I got a 2 bed hotel room, which is nice. I'm excited!!! So happy for everyone to be in Los Angeles!

I open our door and we go inside. I set the pizza in the fridge along with the cupcakes. Becky says "I'll go buy us all a soda from the vending machine. Who wants what?" We all tell her our soda order and Cassie goes with her. When they leave, Alexis asks "So what happened that night?" I answer "Well I still haven't told Becky either so I'll wait for her to come back if you don't mind. Come to think of it Cassie probably has no idea. I feel so weird that I invited her and she knows nothing of what's going on." Alexis replies "Believe me, I know what you mean. I think she will keep a secret. She seems like that kind of girl. We just have to make her promise not to tell Xander and Alexander because I know she is friends with them." I nod and reply "Yeah true true."

Becky and Cassie walk in with our sodas. We all sit on the same bed facing each other and Becky asks "Clarissa, what happened that night?" Cassie asks "What night?" I answer "Okay that night... (insert attack story) ... and then Justin arrived at his house. He felt so bad that he wasn't there, but I reassured him I forgive him. I also forgive you guys for not answering because I know you were worried." Alexis replies "Wow oh my. I can't believe it." Becky replies "Wow who would know Lorenzo from high school would do that? I mean I remember him being horrible and rude, but wow." I reply "Yeah that's what I thought. He is psycho."

Cassie replies "Yikes some people never change truly. So, what else have you been up to in Los Angeles?" I answer "I went to the beach with Justin yesterday and it was amazing. The beach was so beautiful. I also have been relaxing a lot aside from my job. Planning for tour has been crazy. I'm sorry you guys have to come to the meetings by the way. What have you guys been up to?"

Alexis answers "I found a job and I start when I get back. I'm honestly scared yet excited for it. I went on a date, which ended horribly because the dude was a hoe."

We laugh and Cassie says "Wow yeah the dude I was telling you guys I liked a month or so ago. Yeah well he was a douche and he was acting like he was more important than me. He also told me about how being a female doctor means I won't make it like dude yes I will." Omg wow.

Becky says "Well Grant and I are still together. You two don't know him, but he's my boyfriend." I ask "Did Justin ever take him to a hockey game? I mean technically he didn't promise, but he should." Becky answers "No he didn't. Apparently when you two broke up, he didn't talk to Grant at all except for once. He contacted Grant and asked about you, but of course Grant didn't know since we were all so busy. When you both got back together, he texted Grant and apparently they are hanging out soon." I reply "Yay. I'm so glad they are hanging out."

Alexis replies "Clarissa, my sister was freaking out when she met Justin and she freaked out even more when he liked and commented on her picture." I ask "What did he comment?" She answers "He said Loved meeting you & hope to see you again. My sister was literally doing a happy dance and squealing with joy. Don't worry though. I never told her he was planning a tour." I reply "That's good. Scooter was telling me we have to keep it hidden until Justin announces it, which is tomorrow actually. Don't tell anyone." We continue to talk about our lives. I learn that Cassie is going to continue through pre-med/medical school after this summer. Alexis' job will start soon. Becky is moving into a bigger city following the trip and she is about to celebrate her 1 year anniversary with Grant.

We eat our pizza dinner and our cupcakes. They take turns taking showers and I upload my pictures.

I post the following picture on Insta with the caption:
Happy that my best friends are in Los Angeles for the week. Love @becky_00 @alexisS_forlife @cassie_islife

((Picture below))

I post the next picture on Snapchat:Cupcakes! Yes! ((Picture below))

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I post the next picture on Snapchat:
Cupcakes! Yes!
((Picture below))

I close my phone and Becky says "Aw that picture turned out super cute Clarissa

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

I close my phone and Becky says "Aw that picture turned out super cute Clarissa." The others agree. I thank them and I go to change into pajamas.

I then get in the bed. Becky & I are sharing a bed while Alexis & Cassie share another. We turn on the tv and it's Psych the Musical. I love this show! Oh yes! So excited to watch it!! My friends start laughing as well. ((Video attached of one of the songs featured in the show))

After the show finishes, I turn off the tv. I tell my friends "Set your alarm for 8:00! We need to leave by 8:35 to get to the meeting on time." They set their alarms and I turn on mine. I snuggle in the blankets missing cuddling with Justin. Ugh I miss him! Where are you now that I need you?

Well here's this week's update!!!!!
I posted it a day early b/c why not? Haha!!!

Hope you enjoyed it.
By the way, were you so excited to have two updates this week or what?

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