"Where are you guys going? I haven't had a chance to invite you to the real party. It's at my house later. I'm only inviting the cool people, but I guess you can come. You, too, Carly. Jake."

"Yeah, I'll pass. Excuse me, caw." Carly uttered as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving Lucas in the clutches of Brooke. She was also just in time to see Nathan and Peyton sneak off upstairs. Her heart dropped to her stomach.

She turned to walk outside but Tim blocked her path. "There's vodka in Nathan's room, come and get it with me and Brooke." He demanded, pulling her along and up the stairs. Brooke was standing at the top of the stairs waiting for them.

"It's about time I was beginning to think you were- oh!" She gasped walking into Nathan's room. "Sorry. We'll come back." She reasoned, turning to usher the two out of the door. "But there's vodka in the drawer!" Tim whined, pointing towards Nathan's dresser.

Carly stood impatiently at the doorframe, wanting nothing more than to leave. "Tim, later. These two need some space." Brooke pressed, pushing Tim towards the door. Tim lazily threw an arm over Carly's shoulder, grabbing her drink and taking a swig. Carly's nose crinkled in disgust.

"Get off of me." She warned, taking her drink back. "You know what, Brooke? Give it up." Peyton warned. Brooke only laughed. "Trust me, I'm trying." She mumbled lightly, gesturing to the drawer once again.

"You know what I mean." Peyton scowled at her so-called 'best friend.' "I'm just trying to help!" Brooke reasoned.

"Help with what? Get me out of the way so you can go embarrass yourself in front of Lucas? Or what about a new relationship you're trying to ruin?" Peyton pointed out. Carly and Nathan grew tense at her words, wanting nothing more then to get out of that room.

"That's funny. I didn't realize you were in my way. You finally fessing up? Or are you finally denying it?" Brooke spoke dangerously low. Peyton finally had enough and walked out of the room.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Brooke?" Nathan asked before storming out of the room as well, pulling Carly with him. He walked them down stairs and outside to the swing on the large tree outside, beyond the back porch.

The pair sat on the swings together, Tim watched from a distance for a reason unknown. Both were silent for a few moments until Carly spoke up. "Were you going to sleep with her?" She asked quietly, fearful of the answer.

"God, no. I was going to tell her I wasn't interested in her anymore. I have you to worry about now. Don't worry about Brooke's mind games, they don't work." Nathan replied. He threw an arm over her shoulder, pulling her as close to him as possible. "I have you now, Carls. Why would I want to jeopardize that?"

"Brooke said that since I haven't slept with you we won't last long." Carly muttered, burying her face into Nathan's chest. "That scares me."

Nathan sighed. "Well you know what I think? I think that that makes our relationship stronger. I'm not here for sex, I'm here for you, nothing else." Carly smiled into his shirt. "Thank you for that Nate, I love you." She spoke lowly, the phrase familiar but distant on her tongue.

"I love you, too." He stated, pressing a small kiss to her lips, before Tim yelled across the lawn that it was time to play basketball. Nathan groaned, "Five more minutes." He pleaded. Carly giggled, "Duty calls, come one. I'll come and watch. Every basket you score I'll give you a surprise."

Nathan grinned down at his girlfriend, "Oh, yeah? I can't wait."


Nathan wasn't as disappointed as Carly thought he'd be when he found out what the surprise was. The surprise was, in fact, a lame joke that most dads use. The pair was in fits of laughter before the rest of the team joined and they gained a larger audience.

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