If only you knew (part 2)

Start from the beginning

My eyes started filling with tears.

He thinks I'm lying...

"(Y/n), I will still spend time with you like we used to, we're still friends, I'm still your buddy, and I wouldn't trade our friendship." Jack finally sighed. He started stepping closer to give me a hug, but I stepped back and put my hand infront of me as to refuse. I looked over at (r/n), she has an evil grin.

"how are you so unaware?" I asked him.

He didn't respond.

"If your happy with her, then I won't say anything, and I'll leave you be... are you happy?" I asked, Jack nodded.

I nodded at his response, although I was on the verge of sobbing.

I looked over at (r/n), and her grin still visible.

"Tell me when your done using him, and ready to love him." I stated.

I grabbed Ethans arm, and went to get his car keys. We left the front door. I was still in my pjs, but I was ready to leave nontheles, I needed to forget.

"(Y/n)" Ethan said. He held my hand to comfort me.

"It's alright Ethan" I chuckled, "It was my fault thinking I was even loved..." I sighed. 

We get to Ethans place, and he opens the door. I sit in the couch, and immediately start sobbing. Ethan ran to my side, and hugged me. I soon felt my eyelids drop, and hear Ethans soothing voice in my ear.


Jacks pov

"how are so unaware" (y/n)'S words echoed through my head the rest of the night.

"Are you alright baby?" (R/n) asked me, a but a false concern was in her voice.

"Are you using me" I asked, not answering her previous question.

"Babe, I think she's just jealous of our relationship. Most bitches with out manners would, Like her." She said. How could she say that to her? (Y/n) was my best friend, and she knew that, and she had the gall to say that about her... I had the gall to say that she was lieing... she'd never lie... not to me. I would've known if she was lieing... She's my best friend.

"Yeah? Well that 'bitch with no manners' is not a bitch not with no manners, she's my best friend, and she cared about me, unlike you. You are using me..." I said standing up.

She was using me, and I was oblivious to the fact that she actually was, she used me as a defence against (y/n), she used me for my money, and she used me for my fame.

Her face with shock at the fact that I exposed her filthy way. She stood up.

"N- No babe, s- she doesn't know what she's saying, she's lieing-"

"I think I know who's really lieing" I snapped, " (r/n) I need you to get out" I said pointing at the door.

She just huffed, and stormed out, slamming the door.

I need to find (y/n)


(Y/n) pov

Back at Ethans house, he put a movie on, one of your favorites, (favorite movie).
He brushed his hands through your hair, as he held you in his arms.

You didn't realize Ethans perfect features until now.

Maybe I can actually move on...

Ethan looked down at you, noticing you weren't watching the movie, but instead at him.

"Hewo" he said in a baby tone. It caused you to giggle and snuggle into his tummy, no longer facing the tv screen.

A little while goes by, and Ethan finally speaks.

"(Y- y/n)?" He asked. You face him, and look at his eyes as he looks down on you. His eyes were a soft emerald greenish blue, and you gazed into them.

"I um... I need to tell you something... I kind of... um...-" Ethan gets cut off by a knocking at the door. You sit up so he can stand to go get the door. Ethan opens the door, and immediately you hear a familiar Irish voice....


WHO DO YOU CHOOSE???? Do you want to stay with Ethan, and break Jacks heart, or go with Jack, and break Ethans heart???

Sorry to put you on the spot guys, but I thought this would be veeerrry interesting. Anywho, hope you enjoyed!!


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