Ch∆pter 1

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As I checked myself for the last time in the mirror , I checked my phone which was on the counter of the kitchen , no missed called , no messages . I sighed , I’m wondering where he is by now , he said he would pick me up at 7:00 p.m and it’s 7:10p.m . He probably forgot you like everyone does,  my conscious said to me.  He is always on time , why not this time ? As I go deep in my thoughts , it just faded in a blink of an eye when there was a knock on the door , I jumped slightly . “Well I guess you were wrong ! ” I mumbled to myself .  I opened the door , here he was , standing on the door frame  , leg crossed while he is supporting his weight on one arm , I stared at his charming hazel eyes , sparkling every time I see them . The more I stare the more the entourage fades around me. “So are you going to let me in, baby ?” He smiled at me , being polite as always . My thoughts were once again taking me far. “ Of course !  I don’t need to tell you to come in you know that by now !Just let me grab my purse “ I giggled , “Do you want anything to drink before we go ? ” I asked from the other side of the hallway  “No I’m fine , sorry for the late though , You know the traffic jam is .” He replied with a husky voice . That’s weird, there’s no traffic here, in  as far as I know . He only wants to stay less with you can’t you see ?  My conscious popped again. I tried to push it away , and succeeded . “I’m ready ”  I walked up to the living room when I found him lying on the sofa , his head against the fabric of the pillow and his sweet face  being in peace, I could jump right now into him and be  sleep with him , cuddling and being happy without talking. I smiled at the thought and walked slowly to his sleepy body . Suddenly I heard a vibration I search for the source of the bloody noise. It was from his pocket.


A reason to existKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat