chapter 2

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*Liz pov*
Grayson dropped me off at my English class and hugged me and smiled then winked and walked off I giggled and went to sit down when I heard a group of girls talking shit about me "she's just using him, he doesn't even like her" one said "he probably just feels bad that she's a loser and pretending to be her friend" another said "she is such a loser, no wonder her dad left" the last one said I could feel the tears forming I walked out of the class and straight to the parking lot and sat outside crying and crying and then I noticed Grayson coming over to me Is it next class already I tried to stop the tears but I couldn't do it "Liz are you alright what happened please stop crying"he said tearing up "the girls hate me cuz I'm your friend, they were being so hateful Grayson I'm tired of it just cuz ur hot we can't be friends they don't accept it and I'm tired of that gray and them talking shit about my dad" I cried he gave me a tish and I wiped my eyes and we hugged and he looked at me "hey no matter what I'll be there for u Liz" he said and then we walked to his car because I didn't wanna be in school anymore and so we drove to my house and he dropped me off and drove away and probably went home or to get ethan I locked my house door and walked to my room falling onto my bed looking at my roof and texted Ethan that I'm gonna be home for a week or so cuz I don't want anymore hate he just said ok and I put my phone down and got up and looked around at all the pictures I took with Grayson and a tear slipped out of my eye and I just dropped onto my bed again and passed out

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