"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm just going to the bathroom," I said slurring my words.

"Well you're going the wrong way, he said smiling, let me help you."

Not knowing where I'm going I decided to let him show me the way.

I blinked my eyes and saw I was laying in a bed. Confused I asked, "This isn't the bathroom where am I and how did i get here?"

I heard the door lock and him saying, "It's ok your safe no need to worry." He then took off his shirt and unzipped and took off his pants and started walking towards me.

I realized wat he was going to do so I got up as quickly as I can and started stumbling to the door, but he roughly grabbed my arm and drug me back to the bed.

"You're not feeling so well you need to rest." He said.

At this point I felt too tired and weak to fight back and all I could do was cry and scream for help as loud as I could.

He quickly jumped on me and covered my mouth and told me to shut the fuck up. He then tore off my dress and ripped off my panties and started licking and kissing me all over.

I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I'm gonna be rapped!

"Gosh you smell and taste so good." he said making me cry even more. I tried seeing what he looked like, but my tears where making it too hard to see.

I then felt something hard poking my private area and I knew what it was. He then took off his underwear and tossed them on the ground.

One last time I tried fighting him off of me and screamed for help, I scratched his eye and he winced in pain, but he hit me in the face and quickly tied my mouth with something and pinned me down.

"Your gonna get it now bitch!" He said angrily and thrust hard in me.

I cried in pain and thought to myself, what did I do to ever deserve this.

(Allie's Pov)

I watched as Spencer quickly got up and left leaving me sitting their wanting more of her.

Tired of sitting their I decided to get up and leave, so I got up and went outside for some fresh air.

This was not suppose to happen, I thought to myself, I was suppose to get her drunk, have sex with her, ok maybe not have sex with her, but I was gonna make her do whatever I tell her to then dump her at the end of the school year without a care in the world, but nothing went as planned.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" I turned around and saw Quinn talking to me.

"Nothing much." I said.

"I'm not stupid Al, now tell me what's on your mind."

Sighing I decided to tell her, "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone."

"Ok, I promise."

"You know the new girl?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

Well, I sort of like her like a lot I think." I said laughing nervously.

She was quiet for a second then said, "But you're with someone already."

"I know, but I don't like him the way I like her. I mean I've never liked anyone the way I like her."

"That's great, why don't you tell her?"

"Remember that girl we beat up pretty bad? that was her best friend."

"Oh then why don't you apologize to her then explain everything to Spencer?"

"I don't know."

"What's the worse that can happen?"

"Umm not being forgiven."

"But if she really likes you she will... eventually."

"Thanks." I said sarcstically, I finally decided to go look for Stormy, I think that's her name, and apologize. "Just so you know, I know that you and Em are together. It was kind of a given, because they've always been together and one time I caught them in the janitors closet, but didn't think much about it, until now. but I wont tell anyone." I said winking at Quinn.

She blushed and looked away.

I went inside and found Stormy, but she was already passed out on the couch with other drunk people. So I decided to look for the new girl.

I asked everyone if they saw her and someone said they seen her go upstairs.

I went upstairs to check the rooms, but no luck.

"Where is she?" I said to myself.

I was fixing to give up thinking she already went home when I heard a faint cry for help. Being my curious self I went to check it out.

"I think it came from here." I said to myself.

"Hello." I said, I put my ear to the door and all I could here was muffling noises. Thinking it was just people have sex I started walking away when I heard yelling again and this time I could tell who it was. I tried opening the door, but it was locked, so I tried knocking it down but it didn't work.

I started pacing back and forth freaking out not knowing what to do, but then I remembered something I seen online so I decided to do it.

I started kicking the door knob over and over until finally it broke off. "Thank you technology," I said. I walked in quietly and saw her laying on the bed crying hopelessly while some guy was fucking rapping her, by the looks of it, he wasn't close to coming yet.

My blood was boiling, so I quickly grabbed a lamp and smashed it over the guys head making him fall to the ground and started pounding his face until he was knocked out and then I got up and kicked him in the dick even though he was passed out.

I got up and saw the guy and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Ash. Wanting to cry I just held back my tears. I can't believe he would do this, he was my best friend.

Deciding to ignore him I quickly ran over to her and covered her up. She looked at me and said, "Allie," before passing out.

I wrapped her in a blanket and carried her to my car and decided to take her to my place since my mom was working late tonight.

I cleaned her up and saw bruise marks on her arms and her face, so I kissed them then put on a fresh pair of clothes on her and laid her in my bed.

I then texted Quinn and Emily telling them to meet me at my house tomorrow then I texted Ash saying I know what he did and that he better turn himself in or I will.

He texted back saying. " Who's gonna believe you? remember my uncle is the sheriff, so you can't do anything about it."

"Wanna bet!"

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