The Cubix - World 1 - Book 1 Naruto

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Hello there, this is just Daniela's idea, like many others. I really like the plot and there will be one book for one world... This will be in the Naruto world.

Chapter 01 - Simple Me

In my eyes or in the ones of my friends and family, I was nobody special, an ordinary girl. They didn't believe that everybody is unique, so I learnt to be quiet.

Since I seemed to be talentless, uncreative and not so smart, I tried my best on being helpful. I helped my siblings organize, I helped my mother carry soil for her garden, dig and mow the lawn and fixed things.

Right hand of the family. I was proud to have such a big name in front of others but I knew it wasn't real.

After all, I was nothing special, just an ordinary girl on this planet.

My sister got praised a lot, my siblings, they were a lot older so I couldn't keep up.

My sister was hard working and was studying marketing, she had top grades and was popular. The typical cliched enemy in a chick flick.

My brother was lazy had even better grades, he was a genius who never was appreciated so he got isolated. He was working on how to make his own games. The typical outsider or nerd in a chick flick.

And then, there was simple me. I wasn't slim, I wasn't good looking, I wasn't popular, I wasn't smart, I wasn't talented, but I had passions.

 I was the typical main character in a chick flick.

I had a passion for helping and saving my loved ones, I had a passion for animals and plants and lastly, I had a passion for animes and manga.

It was as if ordinary me had a chance to be different. It was quite a beautiful, creative way on making my own life exciting, to my family it was a waste of my precious time...

But because it was my passion, I didn't mind going to my limits just to be able to watch and read it. Lets be honest, who would believe I had a normal life?

Even as an ordinary person, you can have an adventures life!


 Sometimes, life was really stressful and unfair but I couldn't press on pause or stop whenever I wanted, I had to continue. Everybody did.

My mother was calling me from the garden, I cascaded down the marble steps.

"Natalie, will you help your sister? And after that help me carry this soil, I have a bad back!" I scurried towards my sisters room and knocked at her door.

"Come in." I opened the door a crack and smiled at my sister, she was beautiful.

"Morning, mom told me to help you with something." she nodded and petted on the space next  to her.

"Olympia, how is it as the oldest in our family?" she smiled and stretched

"It's quite tough, you have to work hard and reach peoples expectations, why?" I shook my head

"I was just curious."

"So, please get me paper 25, 23, 12, 7 and 2." I nodded and opened her organizers slowly getting a few files out.

"Thank you, could you bring some breakfast too?" I nodded and ran to the kitchen, grabbing some bread and tea.

"Simon, good morning!" I smiled at my older brother who nodded briefly.

The Cubix - World 1 - Book 1 NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now