Chapter 47 (Lilla)

Start from the beginning

"Let me guess, you want to replace the James Bond poster with a Twilight one, and Bridget wants to replace the Star Wars poster with a poster of The Flash?" I say.

"Yes!" Says Emily.

"I think we need to have a Transformers poster instead of a Spiderman one," Spencer tells us.

"No way! Transformers is for babies," says Bridget.

"Oh really? Then why is it rated PG-13?" Questions Spencer.

"I can think of so many movies that are better than James Bond!" Says Jake. Like I care about his opinion.

"We should have a Star Trek poster up," says Evening.

"Why? Because it has Chris Pine in it?" Asks Spencer.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" She replies.

"That's why I asked the question," says Spencer with a confused look on his face.

"I think that your stupid James Bond poster is ripped." Comments Amy, messing with the frame. 


"Only because you ripped it!" Says Andrew.

There's only one way to find out. I check Josh's footage. I am going to kill Amy!

"Amy, you're fired. Pack up your things and go," I say, trying to keep my anger under control.

Jemma runs over to me. "We have an emergency!" 

"I cannot do anything about the posters!" I yell, and she slowly walks away.

I grab my megaphone and scream into it, and everyone is quiet.

"I will deal with the poster issue later. It's not something that I have time for right now. So don't touch the posters!" T

hat doesn't have the effect I hoped it would have.

"WE WANT NEW POSTERS NOW!" Everybody starts chanting. This isn't good.


I have an idea. I put on a wig with jet black hair and wear all black. Ava hands me a note during Math.

What happened to you?
I write back:
There was an incident at Walrus Hut, and if I dress and act differently, they might take me seriously.
She writes:
Good luck

"Hey! I am trying to teach you something!" Mr. Jennings scoops up the pieces of paper, throws them away, and stares at me.

"Who are you supposed to be?"

"Kriss Hill from Russia," I say in a Russian accent.

"And I'm Antonio from Puerto Rico," Marco announces from the back of the classroom with a Puerto Rican accent.

"I'm too tired to care," says Mr. Jennings.

"Why?" Asks Ava.

"Because my wife had a baby two days ago, and I have gotten NO SLEEP!" He answers.


The James Bond and Spiderman posters have been replaced! I stomp up to the stage and snatch the microphone from Ryan.

"Who replaced the James Bond poster with a Moana poster?"

Spencer smiles at me. "Who replaced Lilla with a Russian spy?"

"I did, now; who switched out Spiderman for Dead Men Tell No Tales?" I ask.

"I did!" Cole says happily.

"But that is like the worst movie ever!" I sputter.

"What's your problem with Pirates Of The Caribbean, Lilla, er, Kriss?" Asks Kate.

"I don't have a problem with Pirates Of The Caribbean! It's just that particular movie-you know what? I don't even care anymore! Because I quit! I am so sick of you all acting up like this! I'm joining Pizza Mart! Goodbye!" 

I give Ryan my key and name tag and walk out without looking back.

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