9. Are you planning on writing anything besides fan fiction?


10. What inspires you the most?

Get ready for the most cheesiest, yet sincere answer....

All of you :3. My followers. I mean come on, you all are always there to comment your opinions,vote and read most of my stories, and I appreciate it. Thanks guys!

11. Out of all your fan fictions which is your favorite?

I thought I already answered this.....


12. Strangest thing you've ever thought about or wrote when working on a story?

I dunno... Sorries -_-

13. Which fanfic do you wish you had written better and why?

Even though there's a remastered version, SFATP because even though It was my first, I knew I could do better, I know it was lacking a bit. Detail is a major issue for me sometimes.

14. What was the best fan fiction you ever read(not your own)?

There's more than one!

Cole_Goodrich's FNaF Series

Emergent's Star Fox Stories

InkSammyLawrence's Abandoned

NintendoJedi's Luigi's Mansion AND (Current) Super Mario Sunshine

JoseMarRen's SF: The New Student

15. What are your guilty writing pleasures?

My what? Is that legitimately a thing? Cuz if so, I don't think I got any.

16. Do you plan your stories or just wing it?

There is some planning involved. But mostly "winging it".

17. Are you a fast writer?

No siree!

18. How old where you when you started to write stories?

5th Grade. I'm a Senior in High School now... Soooo yeah.

19. Why did you start writing?

It just happened honestly. But it was mainly for my friends and family. Then it just stuck. Writing is also very fun for me. I like to put myself into the mind of all my characters that are portrayed in my stories.

20. List six sentences from your works that you are really proud of:

Okie... Here they are:

He wiped a tear. "Come on Peppy, we gotta catch up to Krystal." Fox got up. " Shouldn't we give him a proper burial?" Peppy asked. "What are we going to do?! Throw him off the side of Krazoa Palace?!" Fox replied. "Well, no..."." Then come on!". Peppy stood there and looked back at Slippy. "I'll bury him" He finally said. Fox turned back around. He sighed" Alright.." Fox said.- Star Fox And The Paradoxes

Slippy cut in"But hey we've got the medals, to remember you guys by!"

"One problem," Judy said. "We don't have anything to remember you guys by."

Peppy had an idea. He took off his eye piece and gave it to Judy. -Startopia

He comes to the door and pulls you in. "What are you doing here?!" He asked. "I was at a party and..I went to the bathroom and must've fallen asleep..". The guard checked his tablet for a second, then the light because Chica was there,he closed the right door. " Alright. I'll give you a choice!" -One Night At Freddy's: Choice Story.

Slyly: There you have it folks! Another episode done. Will Sonic and Steve still have a rivalry? Will Chris still have great....looks? Chris! Really?!

Chris:*holding cue cards* Wha-ha-hat? Its true isn't it? I look great! Heh!

Slyly: *sigh* Find out next time on-

Slyly and Chris: TOTAL. GAMER. ISLAND! -Total Gamer Island

The wind is speeding around. That...thing..might be chasing me so I run faster. People around start to cheer me on, for some odd reason. "Go Flash! Race around!" they say. If only they knew.  -Betrayal At The House On The Hill

It drove me insane that she wasn't here to comfort me or to accompany me. I'll just...I walked back through the door with her in my arms.

I was wandering around. I had lost all hope.

You would probably say that my sister and I were wandering hopelessly in Wonderland. -Alice Of Human Sacrifice

Le Tags!


I'm officially back starting Friday! I'm getting cable and WiFi! YASSSSSS

I have some big story updates. For example, I'm bringing back Ask And Dare FNaF! Along with a new Ask And Dare!

Betrayal people, we can continue...if you want. After a little more exploring, the haunt will start.

Mario Party Peeps!
MP will begin on Friday so be exited for that!

B&B:SME is on hold. For...reasons.

Romance people(Betrayal VERY FIRST GROUP) I need your forms for Rathoth.

I deleted some stories.... Ones no one read...

Finally, I'm making an Undertale Rp...Heh!

Until Friday, This is Mr. F signing off.

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