When he catches you singing pt 2

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Matt -  Song - Canadian Please
" Yeah I know that you want to be Canadian please even if the winter tend to freeze we've got the world Monopoly on trees and our country is bordered by three different Seas" " yeah I know that you want to be Canadian please we invented the zipper we got expertise we made insulin to combat disease yeah I know that you want to be Canadian please " you sang as you  made pancakes " nice singing maple

Gilen- Song - Siren Call by Kat Krazy
" beneath the stars face to face I told you I love you well let your heart break"   
" I'll run to the moon and walk on the sea , I'll start a new world for you and me ! " and I'll save you when the sky falls can you hear the siren Call" " so we can Break Down The Walls can you hear the siren Call"
"Nice singing birdie" Gilen exclaimed surprised at the beautiful voice of his daughter " Thanks vati "
So guys that was my part two of he catches you singing hope you guys like it

2P Hetalia daughter scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now