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"But I'm scared" a gap toothed kid said sniffling, his lisp prominent. A bigger slightly older kid rolled his eyes
"I don't care how thcared you are"
"H-hey don't mock my lisp! It only happens when-"
"When you're what? " the older kid pushed him "Fat? Stupid?"
With each word the older kid would shove him until he fell over. Tears streamed down the young ones face in the shadow of the older kid.


Hunk woke up with beads of sweat on his forehead. He looked at the ceiling and rid the sleep from his eyes. Hunk sighed got of bed looking at himself in the mirror. He poked his chub and proceeded to suck in his stomach holding his breath. He exhaled and everything returned to his normal state. Hunk had always been chubby, ever since he was a baby.

Eventually a lot of the chub turned into muscle, but neither him or anyone else could tell. 
He learned to stop comparing himself to others a long time ago, it didn't mean he wouldn't fantasize about looking like Shiro one day, it just meant he would keep his thoughts to himself.

Always being the first one up Hunk walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for the paladins. Hangry Pidge was not something you want to deal with.  Hunk made a tasty altaen breakfast form a cook book that Pidge had so kindly translated.

The door opened and Shiro stumbled in still very tired. He sat on a barstool that was pulled up next to the counter. Hunk slid a cup of Altaen coffee to him "Morning Shiro! How'd you sleep?"
"Yeah I slept well, and you?" He put his hands around the warm mug
"Oh I slept great, I had a dream about food again"
"Wow that's the 6th nigh in a row, you really are a foodie" Shiro smiled and took a sip taken aback by the bitterness. Hunk was cleaning up the kitchen hoping the smell would wake the others. Shiro watched him smiling "Hunk?"
Not looking up from his task "hm?"
"How are you so nice to people? I mean you really don't have to make everyone breakfast every morning"
Hunk grinned "I'm a creature of habit I guess? I just think it's the right thing to do"
Shiro smiled "Sometimes I think the universe needs more people like you"
Hunks cheeks flushed from the compliment and asked "Do you mind if you help me set the table?"


Hunk set down the plates in correlation of where they would sit. He knew that Lance liked his 'space eggs' with more yolk than Pidge, and that Keith didn't like 'space eggs' and really liked toast. Or that Allura liked more food on her plate than Coran and that Shiro wanted more protein in his diet. He would cook accommodating to their wants and needs. He loved his friends, he might as well show it.

As the paladins stumbled out of their rooms Hunk sat patiently talking to Shiro about the Garrison.
"It sure was something" Shiro said looking into the coffee
"Yeah, the food there was spectacular!" Hunk grinned. Shiro laughed and looked up to a mumbling Pidge. She sat down rubbing her eyes underneath her glasses. She said a slur of words and looked at Hunk making a 'gimme gimme' motion with her hands. Hunk deadpanned and pushed the cup of coffee that was in front of her a little bit closer so she could reach it. She sipped it and sighed in happiness.
"Goooood morning Paladins- I know you must have missed me dearly when I was gone" Lance strutted in wearing a robe and slippers.
Pidge looked at him and looked back at the others "You guys are seeing this too right? I'm not going crazy am I?"
Shiro and Hunk laughed nodding as Lance took his seat, his eyes got wide "Wow Hunk you're really getting a hang of space cooking"
Hunk grinned "You think so?"
"Better than what Lance could do" Keith snickered taking his seat.
"UHm rude, I'll let you know my cooking could make Gordon Ramsey cry tears of happiness!"
Keith rolled his eyes "You're an idiot sandwich."

The two bickered while the rest of the group greeted Coran and Allura. Hunk watched everyone while they ate, he was waiting to see the smiles of satisfaction. Once he did he dug into his food.

"What were you guys talking about earlier?" Pidge asked through a mouthful of food
"Oh just the Garrison" Shiro said
"Yeah, we were talking about all the food, and how good it is.." Hunk added grinning
"Yknow Hunk, there was more to that place than just food" Keith said
"I know, is it a crime to talk about food?"
"Well there you go" Hunk said smugly.
"Don't worry Hunk, Keith's just jealous because he got kicked out" Lance said wearing his shit-eating-grin, Keith kicked him under the table.
"Ow, well if you have your panties in a wad, what was your favorite part about the Garrison?" Lance said rubbing his knee under the table
"Defiantly sparring" Keith smirked
"I would have to say the computer intel I stole-" Pidge smiled mischievously
"You stole intel?!" Allura exclaimed
"Uh, yeah, I was looking for my brother" Pidge said adding some salt to the conversation
"That isn't right Pidge" she said sourly. Pidge glared at her and took a sip of her coffee.
"Allura" Shiro gave her a look of warning
"Never mind that" she waved her hand "So describe to me this Garrison" she hummed putting her chin in her hand.
"Well, it was wayyy boring, the best parts were the girls, and the simulators" Lance said
"Not true" Shiro shot back "I really enjoyed the team bonding exercises they had!"
"I really liked the classes, the teachers were great" Pidge said
"I just liked tinkering around with the ships and tech" Hunk grinned.
Lance looked at them with his mouth open in awe. "So none of you liked the girls?!"
"NO!" All of them shouted
"Ah back when I was young and spry I used to lure in all the ladies" Coran said wiggling his eyebrows. Allura snorted "I think you mean you repelled them?"
"Well I can name a list of them if you like!"
"Oh please do!" Allura  smirked
"W-well uh, there was-"
"Guys I hate to interrupt but" Keith got up pushing his chair back "I really don't want to hear about Corans love life"
Pidge got up as well "I second that"
"Diddo" Hunk scooted out his chair
"I hate that he's right, but I'm with him" Lance rolled his eyes
"Don't worry  Coran, I'll listen to you" Shiro laughed
"You're gonna regret it" Allura snickered
Coran made a face causing the whole team to laugh. "Don't come crawling back when you need advice on getting a girl!" Coran added nose in the air


Hope it wasn't terrible! If there's any mistake I made please comment it DM me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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