Over The Edge (Connects to OnariArt's story)

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OnariArt made an amazing story and this is Grumpy's side to it.

Grumpy sat stiff in a tree. She had been clinging on there for two nights straight with no sleep or water, just some blackberries she had picked earlier. The realization hit her straight in the face. The Capitol just wants entertainment. Bloody entertainment as children kill themselves. I won't get anywhere if I stay here on this tree. If I survive by clinging on this tree, I won't be memorable. They won't remember the girl from District 11 who sat in a tree starving herself, I will go down fighting if I have to. Grumpy slithered down the tree like a serpent. Born and raised in a District known for agriculture, Grumpy didn't have a clue on how to hunt. Grumpy's hand met the knife on her belt. A puny little knife that was supposed to kill 23 people. Her fingers still burned from when she had to rip that bag out of Meeps' hands at the Cornucopia. Meeps killed for that bag. She strangled another girl with its straps.

Suddenly, something tackled her. Grumpy thrashed as she cupped one of hands around her fragile amulet. With one free hand, Grumpy snatched her small knife and sliced and stabbed at her attacker in a savage, blinded fury. The moving stopping and she had to heave the attacker off. Dread filled the pit in the bottom of her stomach as she saw who she killed. It was the familiar blue dragon, Lythii. No tears came to Grumpy's eyes. She just stared down at the dead dragon.

"I'll kill anyone whose in my path".

Grumpy woke to three canon shots. One for Lythii. I'm going crazy. Even with the necklace. She pulled her hood over her head as a gentle drizzle began to drench everything. Camp raiding. After overhearing some tributes talk about getting supplies, Grumpy had a new plan. Steal from others' camps, and destroy anything else. "Hey." Grumpy turned around to see a person. "Give me your food and weapons before I kill you", the person revealed a deadly shank. "I had to kill one of my friends", Grumpy hissed quietly. The person didn't seem to hear. "AND YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOU TOO!!", she roared. She lost it, completely insane. Grumpy sprung onto the person like a wild animal and bit down on their shoulder before stabbing them. Their screams turned into gurgles as they passed. Grumpy didn't even care to see the identity of the person, It doesn't matter who I kill as long as they aren't going to win.

(Timeskip) OnariArt

A camp.

A severely injured dragon

A creature of some sort on a pole.

A skeleton.

Feelings must've returned back to Grumpy temporarily as she felt the urge to end the dragon's misery. She crept towards the dragon, bearing the knife in one hand, and silently walked towards her. The skeleton must've seen her as he warned the creature. The creature immediately swiped at Grumpy's face as pain shot through her face. Before she could realize she was falling into the fire. Once she hit the burning wood, CRACK.

The necklace broke.

YOU LITTLE-! Grumpy wanted to scream, but no words came as everything went blank.

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