Chapter Two: Where Am I?

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The darkness had a hold of me now. I honestly had no idea where I was or how I ended up here. Everything was just so...bleak. It reminded me of my life in a sense. Nothing but bleak emptiness. Where was I? 'SMACK' I held the back of my head and groaned looking around to see who had hit me. I squinted my eyes and then, 'SMACK' again. This time I was hit so hard I dropped to me knees. I groaned in agony. I felt like I had just gotten hit by a truck. Just as that thought crossed my mind - someone spoke.

"Oh, you would know if you had gotten hit by a truck." A man said in a deep intrigued voice.

"What the fuck?" Was all I could say in response.

This person knew exactly what I was thinking when I was thinking it. So now I would know to keep my thoughts to myself but I did wonder where I was.

"Desperate to know your location, eh Dalton?"

Way to go thoughts. I tell you not to do something and you did anyway. Wait, how did he know my name? How could he read my thoughts? I must have been dreaming. I had to be. There is no way I could--

"You're not dreaming." He explained.

"Damn it." I yelled. This guy reading my thoughts was driving me insane. Was it even safe to breathe?

"Yes, it is."

"Who the hell are you? And stay the hell out of my thoughts."

"They were right about you, you definitely have some fight in you."

"Who is they and what the fuck are you talking about?"

"Let's get these lights on." The man demanded.

The florescent lights flickered on in the room I was sitting in. I was confused and I only wondered how I ended up here. That was a question that no one had answered yet. They loved to read my thoughts but I never wanted them to know what I was thinking. IT was scary enough that they could already know everything about me by seeing inside my head but it was even worse when they would tell me. I tried my best not to think of anything; not even my name. Instead I thought about my job and what I would have to do when I returned.

"If you return. That is."

"Get the hell out of my head damn it." I screamed in defense. "It's fucking annoying."

All the man could do was laugh at my reactions. Another man appeared in the room. This one was a bit more heavy set, he was round. He had on glasses that fell below his eyes that rested on his nose. A dark colored suit and jet black hair that was combed back. He laughed as he entered. I stood to my feet and my hands were already balled up into fists.

"Are you getting angry Dalton?" The bigger man asked me, I didn't answer.

"I believe he is, Roger." The other man said.

"No need to be angry Dalton, we aren't here to hurt you and nothing will."


"Oh yeah, he's ready."

"Ready for what?!" I yelled. I have never been more confused in my life.

Again, I got no answers. I never got any answers. Roger and his accomplice whispered back and forth at each other. Roger seemed to be on my side the other man didn't seem to. Though it seemed as if he was the one that brought me here. I could kind of hear them mumbling but not much.

"Replacing me? Are you kidding? He hasn't been here, what, five minutes?" The other man yelled.

"He seems stronger than you." Roger insisted keeping his cool and calm tone.

"I'll kill him myself." He exclaimed.

"Jeremiah, get back here. That is enough."

Jeremiah ignored Roger and started walking his way over towards me. My thoughts flooded up my mind, I couldn't think straight but I was ready to fight him. 'POP' Then he stopped. Jeremiah's face grew pale and he just stood there for a moment. I didn't know what happened until he hit the floor making a loud thud erupt in the room. My eyes widened as I saw the dead body in front of me. His blood was leaking and spreading through the gaps in the tile floor. I lost my will to breathe. I looked up at Roger who had a gun in his hand and the smoke evaporated from the barrel. My mind, for the first time that night had been clear. I was too scared to think.

"What, why --" I couldn't find the words or finish my partial sentence.

"Don't be frightened Dalton, I told you, nothing was going to hurt you including myself. Remember?"

"Yes.." I said with a shaken breath.

I cowarded myself in the far corner away from Roger and away the from the blood away from the dead body. Roger put his gun away placing it back into his holster that was hidden inside his jacket. I noticed how cleverly hidden it was. I glared a little narrowing my eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked pushing myself away from the wall.

"You will find that out as soon as you come with me." He said gesturing his finger for me to come with him.

Now, I'm not sure why but I pushed away from the wall and walked around the body. I continuously looked back at the body that I once was talking to. I couldn't believe all this was happening and so fast but then again, I didn't know what was happening. I decided, I'll follow him.

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