~You're free to go~

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I actually wanted to see the cuts, maybe they would somehow help me figure out what happened. Knowing myself I would've used rubber bands instead of picking up a blade. I know that's what I would've done.

"Let me take over, Tyler. Why am I even asking? I can take over whenever I want. You're to weak to fight me off."

An image of my shaking hand texting Josh to come over appeared in my head.

"You think Josh can save you? Think again."

The mini flashback ended after that. That was my last memory before waking up in here. However I got here had to be because of Blurryface.

Josh sat down beside me, sitting a tray with a sandwich and a cookie on it in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

He had his own tray of food, which had the Same thing on it as mine. My mom sat down in front of me with her own tray of food.

I picked up the sandwich, taking a bite and slowly chewing. "I swear, hospital food is worse than school food." I stated, scrunching up my face.

"It's not that bad." Josh said, biting into his sandwich.

"You're used to eating it."

"Tyler, we've only been in here for three days."

My mom laughed at us from across the table, eating her salad.

"Why didn't you get me a salad at least?" I asked Josh, pouting.

"Tyler. Eat your sandwich."

I huffed and bit into the sandwich.


"Okay, you're free to go. Take care of yourself Tyler." The doctor patted me on the back as Josh and I walked out of the room, hand in hand. My mom stayed behind to talk the doctor a little longer. I knew they were talking about my depression and other things. While I had been in here they had me taking anti depressant pills and I would have to continue to take them at home. In a way they were working, I stopped hearing Blurryface as often but not completely.

My mom had told me that once I leave the hospital I would have to go to a therapist, dad had already gotten me one while we were in here. He never really came to see me, only twice. Mom and Josh stayed with me the whole time, Ashley even came a couple of times.

School is over in a week but I had gotten all of my work and end of the year tests done already. I was excused for the rest of the school year but I wanted to come on the last day.

"Okay, let's go." Mom walked out of the room, followed by the doctor. I happily walked in between my mom and Josh out of the hospital and to the car.

We drove home and when we got there I quickly ran to my room with Josh following but then I quickly stopped. Everything hit me as soon as I stepped foot in here. This is where Josh found me, covered in flood. The blood was gone now, dad must've cleaned it up.

Josh wrapped his arms around me from behind, picking me up. He walked over to my bed and sat down, me on his lap.

He rubbed the unbandaged part of my arms and kissed my shoulder. "Everything will be okay now."

I smiled, leaning into him. "I love you, so much."

"I love you even more." I felt him smile against my shoulder.

"Impossible." I said with a content sigh.

We sat in a comfortable silence but I was thinking the whole time.

"Josh?" I asked, slightly turning in his lap to face him.

"Hmm?" His head was still laid on my shoulder.

"Do you think my therapist will be nice?" I asked.

"I mean they're a therapist. I would hope so."

"What if they're rude. Or don't listen to me. Or judge me."

"A therapist's job is to listen to you and not judge you. I'll hurt them if they judge you." I felt the vibration of him laughing.

"I don't need you to hurt anyone. Thanks for the offer though. But really what if-"

"Tyler. Stop with the what if's. They won't be bad."


Yeah, he wasn't bad. He was horrible.


Okay, this book is officially over! No, I'm kidding. Only a couple of chapters left though.

I finally figured out how to download no phun intended so I've been listening to it since yesterday.

Oh speaking of yesterday, I wasn't lying when I said I would publish. I couldn't, I thought I was going to be at home all day but something came up and I had to leave my house and I didn't get back until late at night. I was going to publish around maybe 3 this morning but I fell asleep writing.

I will publish again today, I promise.



Broken Angel~ A Joshler Fanfic (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat