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What's your style? Well we are always developing, growing, changing overall. There are different types of change those that change to be better people, the ones giving up on an addiction whether it be drugs, alcohol, and negativity. Change can be seen as both good and bad. It doesnt mean changing in those ways but as well as your look or style. Daring yourself to be bold and try a new thing. Sometimes people change in the worst ways developing terrible attitudes being angry or depressed constantly. Either way we get judged right? I could be the girl that people want me to be falling under a submissive role doing as men say and being controled. Although I'm different I love working, being independent as well as taking the lead. Women grow up being taught that boys are jerks well in my opinion they can be but they are not terrible with the right woman they learn a lot and become better men. Then, men are raised thinking women should stay at home cleaning and taking care of children, as well as doing what they are told to. This is all wrong! Little by little these generations are developing and improving; but we still have rulers trying to tell us wrong from right. What do they know? Sure many years of studying good for them, but you can't grow without experiences and self growth. Im bringing up transgenders in this for the fact that, these are people that change to become who they feel happy being it's an outrageous change but that's them. The next example I will bring out is careers we are always told to grow up to be doctors, nurses, teachers, law enforcement agents. The wrong thing with that is we don't all want to be those things or study that; our hearts know it very well but we do it to not dissapoint. If you hear a person say they want to be an artist such as a painter, tattoo artist, singer, a dancer anything to do with music. We get judged to the extreme being told it's not a career or it's not something you can do. Where are the words of encouragement there? Rather than when saying "im going to be a doctor" lots of smiles, guiding mentors, everything you name it. Change happens constantly puberty our bodies change, after a breakup either you move on get over it or the other is down and lost. That chick with the converse, messy hair and skateboard trades in everything for a pair of heels, dress and curlying iron. From not wearing makeup to controuring your face like a pro. Guys go from childish mentality to thinking like grown men. Changing hair styles, fashion saggy pants to tight denim jeans or opposite. Change is everywhere! That mean girl or boy that used to bully you is the nicest person in the room now. Then you have that new Regina George wanting all the attention and seeking fights with everyone. If you lose weight apparently you are on drugs definitely not a diet plan or workouts. If you gain weight you must be pregnant, or eating your life away. If you drink one shot you become known as a drunkie if you dont drink you are no fun. No matter what we are judged we are going to hell if we dont go to church but if you do, you must be heading straight to heaven. It's time we change for us regardless the setbacks, negativity, and criticism; its bound to happen either way we must follow our hearts for thee happiness we are to find. Don't let your type of change define you let it show a different side of you in the best way possible. If you want to dye your hair purple do it! If you want to kiss someone from same sex gender or just someone you like do it! Get that crazy hair cut, tattoo, piercing, anything but do it for you. Be the change you wish to see in the world; but do it with your heart and soul. Change to be good, don't fall into being who they say you must be. We only get a few trips around this sun make yours worth it. Change your life around to build yourself up. Either way we are damned if we do what we desire or don't. Just be bold, different, kind, loving.

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