Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The ranch came into view and Justin was sure he was going to fall out of the wagon as he jerked and trembled with nerves. He was calling on Susie Atkinson! He just wished he hadn't gotten that letter that morning. Lorraine's father had somehow figured out where he was and had demanded that Justin come back to New York and settle things like a man. Justin hated to tell the violence loving ogre but he was not stepping foot back in New York! He certainly did not have a death wish.

Justin pulled his cart to a stop and slowly climbed down the side, unaware that Cookie and Thomas were standing together at the door to the barn watching him and shaking their heads with both disbelief and disapproval, "What the hell is that man doing?" Cookie grumbled, "He looks like an old church woman climbing out of that wagon, afraid of tripping over her skirts."

"Look at the way he walks," Thomas added as Justin made his way up onto the porch of the ranch house, "He looks like he's got a big ol' giant stick up his ass."

Suddenly Ryder popped his head in between them from behind, "Who's got a stick up his ass?" he asked as he chewed on a piece of hay. Thomas, who hadn't yet met Ryder, looked at the man as if he was insane. Cookie however grinned and patted the hyperactive boy on the back, "Susie's new beau."

Ryder spit the piece of hay out of his mouth, spraying Thomas in the process and stared at Cookie with offense, "I don't have much of a temper, old man, but, dammit, don't insult me! I don't walk around like I got a stick up my ass!"

Cookie laughed, the sound harsh from his old age and rough life, and pointed at Justin who was currently being let into the house by Jacob, "You aren't the one that's calling on Susie."

Ryder followed his gaze up to Justin and at first Thomas and Cookie were sure they saw anger and jealousy in his eyes but then, much to their surprise he started laughing.

Ryder laughed so hard that he ended up bending over and slapping at his knee. When he finally got control of his laughter he stood back straight and wiped the tears from his face as he looked at both the other men, "I don't know if either of you know this, but I've been pretty popular with the ladies in my time."

Cookie's smile just grew bigger. He'd been right! This was the man for Susie. "In your time?" Thomas asked with a frown, "You can't be over twenty-three years old."

"I'm twenty-four actually but that's not the point. The point is gentlemen," Ryder stepped out in front of them and spread his arms out as if he was a piece of art on display. "The little short man doesn't stand a chance," he finished with a cocky grin.

"Who are you?" Thomas asked as he shook his head.

"My name's Ryder," Ryder replied, though his attention was on the fly that was buzzing around his head. His eyes followed it around and around until suddenly a scarred up hand reached out and caught the fly, inches from Ryder's face.

Ryder glanced over to see Brody standing there, wearing that normal scowl, "Don't you ever smile? Poor Elizabeth. She seems like such a nice woman and she's gotta live with a grump like you," Ryder mused with a good natured grin.

Brody's scowl only deepened as Thomas's eyes widened and Cookie laughed, "Don't you have work to do?" Brody demanded of all three men. Brody didn't know what to make of Ryder. Most of the time when he met men they were scared of him or at the very least intimidated. But this Ryder hadn't acted the least bit afraid or intimidated and Brody wasn't sure whether he was upset over that, or upset over the fact that it impressed him.

"Things are kinda slow....." Thomas started.

Brody shook his head, "Get to work."

Thomas nodded and looked at Ryder, "Come on, death wish, lets go get some work done."

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