the kidnapping

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Bens pov

So me and Mal was at the enchanted lake where we had our first date and I look over and Mal was unconscious and I try waking her up then somebody, I don't know who but they put their hand over my mouth and I'm trying to get out of their grip but it's to strong then they threw me in their trunk and then I get knocked out and then when I woke up and then I look around and my hands are behind my back chains were holding me back then my ankles were tied together and my knees so I can't get out of them. So somebody comes in and goes behind me and puts a ball gag in my mouth and it's small and they adjustable the strap and they turn the light on and they come right in front of me and I hope that nothing will go wrong but I know it will. So they pull a gun to my head and I'm scared out of my mind and I fell something on my back and i turn around and there's a knife and it's toward  my back and i gulp and then I turned back around and the t.v was on and the news was on and their talking about me and that there's cops and a lot of people are looking and my mom and dad are getting interviewed and they said that they hope I'm okay then they turn it off and they dial the cops number in and then they answer and they kept going on and on about this and they wanted evidence that I'm not dead then they take the gag out and I scream for help and I tell them where I'm at and they put their hand over my mouth once again and I hope that I'll be out of here soon.

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