Being yourself

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We all go through it that phase in which we are stumbled upon wanting to be perfect. To then realizing there is no such thing as perfect. Life, yes it's hard but if it weren't then nobody would have stories to write or tell and to grow with. It takes some people little time to really put them selves out there being proud of their weird selves. Then there's the rest of us trying to be ourselves but hiding the real you before getting judged. Society taught us that people are categorized, being labeled different things it happens from the time we are little to big. Different heritages, skin color, features, body shape, everything. When you are in school you get categorised as the brightest students to what they sugar coat as the "needs improvement" kids. We are judged based on what we know and what we don't  know everything we do is an obstacle either you are at the top of your game or your just another bystander trying to get there. Money apparently we are taught money buys happiness "does it really ?" Classified from upper class, middle class, lower class, either you are rich or you are not. I've seen people with less money always giving back to their community and helping others when they have struggles themselves now that is a beautiful thing but they don't get recognized for it. Now in days you get recognized for showing off your body, wait let me correct that. To show off your "hot" "sexy" body those words disgust me not only that but "where are the people that love intelligence? Weirdness? Silliness? Real people? It's one thing to be proud of your body by all means go ahead show it off be proud but don't over use that privilege. Social media, where to begin? That one girl that is real and her pictures are authentic art gets a few likes but she's ok with it and then there is that other girl seeking attention, filter after filter perfecting the image, boom thousands of likes and comments. Little do people know that might be the girl/boy with many insecurities. People think rich people have it all, living the life and not worrying about anything although it's not true. They themselves gave their own struggles especially living in the public eye bring watched their every little move. We often hear about plastic surgery am i right? Not going to lie I've thought about it but I wouldn't have the guts or the money to go through with it. They are known as plastic, fake or stuck up people. Sure I used to be those people that judged and thought why pay all that money just to have a smaller nose, bigger boobs or bigger ass. Personally I think if it makes them feel better about themselves then by all means do it. Although we need to learn to love ourselves as we are before trying to change for anyone. We get caught up in so many things and trying to up one another when we should just be trying to up ourselves being a better us, than the person we were yesterday. 

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