Chapter 2

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( A/n  I edited this one more too)

Step after step after step I took only worrying about moving forward and getting away from the men. Even though I had lost them a day or two ago I know they were still looking for me. This is not the first time this has happened either, seven years ago when I was only seven my home village was attacked by the mysterious men had heard about the mysterious girl with the eyes of a snake that could befriend the reptiles as if they were human. they saw me as an asset and wanted me to join them when I refused they burnt my village and divided to take me by force. I had fled just like I had three days ago.

I had wrapped my feet in strips of clothing that I had torn off the bottom of my mud caked dress the blood had already soaked through the makeshift bandages leaving them dark red. All of my injuries were infected already due to the constant forward march. Making them appear a putrid green.

Shiro can only watch as I slowly die from lack of food and infection, doing his best to keep away large animals that would find me a delicious meal.

The water skin that I always have with me is empty, finished yesterday.

As the day went on I gradually began to lose hope of finding anything to help me stay alive. Even a stream would extend my life span.

I had begun to feel light headed, stumbling every few steps because of nausea. I the distance I heard a low mumble of voices.

''Hey Shiro'' I said my voice rough from dehydration, getting the serpent's attention

''Yess little one~'' worry woven through out his voice

''I think I'm going crazy...I hear voices'' I say with a sad smile as I carefully pull my self over a fallen log. Shiro tilted his paper white head to listen to the surrounding forest. He suddenly jerked his head in the direction I heard the noises.

''No I hear it to~'' faint hope begins to grow in my chest as I rush toward the noise, my movements are clumsy from fatigue. the trees begin to thin as the sound of voices grow louder.

Slowing my approach and hiding behind a tree. Looking around the trunk of the rather fat tree I see a scene playing out.

''GET IT OFF ME, GET IT OFF ME!'' screamed a white haired man, his white robes fanning out behind him as he ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

In the corner of the clearing leaning against a tree was a tall man with midnight blue hair in his hand was a glaive, his ice blue eyes filled with mirth as he tried to restrain laughter.

next to him was a masked man sitting on a fallen log with a big furry wig and a chip monk on his shoulder eating a nut.

A girl with short peach colored hair as squatting by the fire stirring a pot of stew that I could smell from where I was. The smells alone was enough to make my mouth water.

Sitting next to the peach haired girl was another girl with a full-length pink dress and fiery red hair looking at the man in white worry etched into her face.

relief flooded me at the discovery that they were not soldiers of bandits. Taking a step forward out of my hiding place I see that blue haired guy switch his gaze to me. My leg could no longer support my weight as I fell my vision slowly dimmed and then turned black.


My eye lids flutter open to reveal the worried face of the red headed girl I saw in the clearing.

''YUN SHE'S AWAKE!!'' she yelled making me wince. The peach haired girl that was cooking came over to me. I sat up alowing my long bangs to cover my eyes. Noticing the bandages that covered my feet and other of my injuries.

''How are you feeling'' I looked at her and debated on whether I could trust her. deciding I could I said in a monotone voice.

''Like I haven't slept in four days.''


''Or eaten actually, do you have any food?'' I say as a loud growl came from my stomach for all to hear.

''O-oh yeah you got here just in time for stew.'' The peach hair girl said


''THE STEW!!'' She said as she ran towards the fire with a pot on top that I assumed contained the stew. The I realized I had no idea who these people.

''Who are you?'' I said suddenly becoming weary

''I'm Yona, the one with a mask is Shin-ha, the scary looking dude is Hak, the guy in white is Kija, and the guy freaking out over the food is Yun.'' The red head that now reveals to be called Yon tells me with a smile.

''Oh and that's Ao'' She adds pointing to the chipmunk. 

''Oh....ok....wait...thats a boy?'' I say pointing to Yun. At that, Hak burst out laughing, doubling over and clutching his stomach.

''I'M A HANSOM GUINIOUS!!!'' Yun yelled as tick mark appeared on his head. Coming over to the group he served out portions of the stew to everyone. taking some for himself he sat down in the now noticed circle of people.

Everyone ate in silence. Eating every last drop of the delicious stew I put my bowl down in front of me with a contented sigh.

''That was delicious, thank you.'' I smiled for the first time since I came to be with these strangers.

''I am a genius,'' Yun said smugly smirking to himself.

More silence as I looked up at the stars that appeared just moments ago made possible by the setting sun.

Then Hak spoke up asking the most reasonable question I have been asked all day

''Hey we haven't got your name yet'' I decided to be truthful and tell them the closest thing I had to a name.

''The villagers called me snake''

''That's a strange name, how did you get it?'' he continued. Looking down thinking of whether or not to tell them. Sitting up I lifted my bangs from my eyes revealing my snakelike orbs. 

(a/n picture at the top)

Hey, guys, I hope you liked it this is my first story that I have continued past the first chapter so sorry if it is bad or does not make sense

I hope you have had a great day


words: 1106

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