chapter 2

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It's been three years. Three long years of constant fighting. Constant pain and loss. It has been complete and utter hell but as cheesy as it sounds, with your friends by your side it hasn't been all that bad.

Through the thick and thin you've stuck together. Edd, Matt, and Tom took it upon themselves to start a resistance after the armies started to give in to Tord.

You never thought these silly weirdos would become badasses fighting global domination. Although somehow it seemed like a thing they would wind up doing.

While they were the leaders of the resistance you were just the right hand man to them. (Gotta get your right hand man back)

You honestly didn't think you were leader material but nine times out of ten you were right there with them. Helping with decisions, adding in put, making sure they stayed focus. You were practically a leader as well just didn't have the title. So you took general or right hand man.

Much to your disliking everyone did call you sir but it was a good sign that they respected and listened to you.

You were making your way down a long hallway to a meeting with the others. The hallway was old and the paint chipping. It smelt of mildew and cigarettes. Honestly it wasn't that bad, you've had worse in previous bases.

The resistance didn't have a set uniform so you wore some old jeans that were worn and torn. You had a casual F/C t-shirt and your jacket tied around your waist.

Your boots echoed in the hallway as you got closer to the room. Taking a sharp turn on the heel you opened the door. Edd greeted you with a smile and Matt did the same. Tom nodded towards you as you joined them at the table.

"What's to plan," you asked breaking the silence. Edd laid out the files in front of you. "Thanks to F/N we were able to sneak these files out," Tom sighs as he shakes his head.

You knew he had a thing for your friend but would never admit it. They always hung out when they could and any sign of danger the little spy encountered Tom was the first to tell them to either pull out or becarful. One time he even almost went into the red base guns a blazing when he/she where being questioned by Red leader himself.

It's cute really. How even in all this ugliness there's still something beautiful blooming in its midst. Sometimes you would walk to Tom's room and find the two either cuddling watching something or asleep cuddling.

Another thing that you were sure was a thing was Matt and Edd. Matt was always caught with his head on Edd's shoulder either whispering something or just resting there. They probably didn't want to come out or didn't want to "disttact" each other from the situation at hand.

Edd sighed "sadly we could only get some weapons schematics and some suppliers." Matt pointed to a specific file, "This one is the best though. It's a list of all the suppliers and some hideouts." Tom scoffs slightly "there all good files, F/N almost got caught this time around. We need to pull them out of there before he/she gets discovered and killed."   

Edd looks to Tom and sighs, "That's their decision, not ours Tom." Him and Matt give Tom a knowing look and he sighs as well. This war has caused everyone to sigh at least 100+ times a day.

Matt shook his head and coughed to get attention on him. "We're going to start hitting his suppliers, hopefully cutting him off will help weaken the army. Once we have him cut off well start hitting him."

Edd speaks up "Of course they'll be small attacks to drain the supplies then once they're low, or better yet out, we'll come in and get the job done."

Shaking your head you chuckle "You make it sound easy." You look at them with a smirk. This just might work.


(S/N: How do you feel about Saturday as the update day?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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