Chapter 9 ~ Twilight

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    She had awoken to it, to the annoying pounding of her head and the thunderous voice that had stated something to the victims of the pain. It seemed like she could never get away from the unbelievable amount of pained screams and gasps of terror, the tears of utter pain and the eyes that pleaded for death. The sound was everywhere, and it was the same as what Mai had heard when she was forced to descend into hell, forced to have to listen to her own personal tourcher. The pain wasn't in hearing the sound of agony but in the fact that she couldn't do anything to help them. It was an unbelievable amount of time, the time that the sounds pierced the air. She had exhausted herself trying to get up although she was restrained.It made her stomach rumble as sour bile rose up her throat, she had never experience this before, never experienced the hate that was being thrown toward the thrashing people. But nothing could make this worst. The thing that made her even more disturbed is that she was in a throne, tied to the handle, and her ankles tied at the large base of the once marvelous feeling seat. Now the seat felt as if it was made of the jaggedest rocks. 

    When Mai had come to she hadn't wanted to look up, because she was facing the way in which the horrible sounds had been coming from. But when she was forced to because of the growing pain her neck she had looked up and in front of her was a giant hole where the entire audience of onlookers were located during her fall, the circumference of it nearly took up the entire room which looked completely different. Not only was the gaping hole wide but, it seemed to be a hole that went straight down as if connected to the earths molten core itself. Mai had tried to avoid looking at the people inside who thrashed in what looked like molten lava, but there was no smoke, no acrid smell, no flesh burning. Yet there they floated in the acid like substance as if each being was drifting in the sea. Mai nearly emptied her stomach, for people were suffering and here she was forced to watch it.

    The ballroom was morphing in front of her eyes, and she had guessed that it had start before she had awoken to the booming voice of her mate. The ground was splintered and the throne stage was being raised as the support beams rapidly turned into brown rock, layers of sediment falling off. The largest serpent she had ever seen had began slithering across the darkening room and the glass skylight from above shattered letting in pellets of fiery rain. As if they were following the leader hundreds of large snakes filled where each tile line was and behind them the ground seemed to crumble off as if reacting to the scales off of them had scraped it off. Latching onto the poor people were the meat of their bodies which was seared off with the most horrid sizzling, as the throne seemed to shake the ground, and cracks appeared through the foundation of the once sturdy room.

    Mai shut her eyes tight trying to stop the noises. She wasn't enjoying this and the sick idea of watching people being tortured made Mai's stomach churn. The rumbling got louder until finally it turned into a deafening roar which mad her eyes burst open in the pain of hearing the scraping of what seemed to be land plates together. Yet as quickly as it started the sound was soon stopped as if the giant radio it was playing out of was unplugged. She blinked and it was back to normal. The room at least, for the people still writhed as they recovered and as they did, they kneeled as if to catch their breath but soon everyone was in the same position, their right knee up, with their right hand balled into a fist and placed over their heart. They had been staring at her in utter pity at the words, as if she was the-

    "Kneel before your queen" The voice echoed through the whole room until their was only a group of women left standing far enough for Mai to not only tell that they weren't for the queen, but she remembered that of the faces, well resemblance of the faces, especially that of the olive skinned beauty. They had defied the voice that she recognized as her mates, the one who could cut off her thoughts. Each women bore grotesque marks upon their faces, along with a few litter jagged scars . They didn't bow, and when Mai looked into their eyes from her spot on the throne, she could feel their raging hate for her.

    "Kneel before your queen!" His voice was no longer just a strong rumble, but a ferocious thundering commanding the action, each women's knees trembled with fear, and Mai only cared for what was to happen for their disobedience. She had remembered their beauty, each beauty spot, mark, freckle, or mole to a tee, but now it seemed that he wished to show them a lesson, especially for beating the living crap out of her. To project how beauty is from the inside, and in reality, they weren't lovely on the inside at all.

    "Kneel!" Each women dropped to their knees, but the two leading ones, they didn't stand strong, but they didn't back down. And god knew they should've. And just like that, the largest and swiftest bolt of fire she ever saw, shot out from behind her, in a higher place, it consumed both women and the group underneath them that were currently bowing whimpered at the sound of their newly rejuvenated agonized screams. She hated this. It made her want to nearly explode into two, nearly ready to blow a gasket. She didn't want to watch people get there skin burned off, or choke on imaginary things that they could see and no one else could. She didn't like when nightmares came true, and Mai knew what that was like.

    "Stop! " The fire stopped and each persons head snapped to her, and then to a place higher behind her or beside her as if someone was coming up behind her. the women had stopped and it didn't burn there marred skin to bad, and she saw the skin began to blister over the cuts making them look even more monster like. She could hear heavy foot steps echoing in the room, and when they got close, she could smell the cinnamon, and woodsy male scent dripping off of her mate, and see how even the servants and guests seemed to look up at her as if they were to be punished for her actions. Mai felt his heat before she heard the predatory growl and before she was thrown to the ground.

    The wings on Mai's back caught her fall and just behind her she turned to see what was a raised dais covered in the deepest velvet she'd ever seen. There he stood prouder than someone she had ever seen in his situation, and it nearly made her drop from her racing heart. He was still as incredible as ever. He wore armor over expensive black silk that draped over his tight muscles. The people underneath her looked up, almost in unbelief that she had actually lived through the encounter, that's when she noticed the large stone on her left ring finger. That's when she remembered what Rachel had told her. She needed to leave. This wasn't just a party, somehow she had been married, and now she was with him. Her eyes teared up, and she turned her head away.

    Yet, Mai had not known that across from her that Lucifer had heard loud and clear what she had thought. In front of every ones eyes he let the dark wings penetrate through the fake being that had to represent him. He was still trapped in that lonely room, and he just was playing with the strings of reality. In reality every soul was strung up in molten plasma fluid, as they screamed seeing an alternate reality. It was funny like that, no one would ever be able to recall him. No one would ever be able to recall who he was. Even what his appearance was but her.

    And he'd burn in the pit for eternity just to be close to the beauty, so they could live out their days together. His dark wings swept and suddenly both were surrounded by darkness. Yet, Mai could see through it all, all of this was just a cover up. this wasn't real, and suddenly she dropped through a warped hole onto the scraggly ground. There was a strangled cry of fury that was far away. And there she stood in the barren waste that she had been trying to escape. The whole time she had been saved from the Castle of traitors.

    And that was the reason now that she would never ever be able to forget. She had never really touched him, never really been in the bed of writhing snakes. Never been nearly beaten t death, and most of all never been kissed. Her hand brushed across her dry lips, and she nearly burst into tears. the hell she had suffered had been to her real body and as she moved further into her consciousness she was propelled into his dream world, each dream a step closer to the castle which was still a large rectangle of darkness and emanating hate in the distance.  From here she could hear his screams of rage, and turned and walked. Back the way that she had walked with dirt and blood drenched feet. back through the desolate waste land, and she ignored the steady beat of the appendages on her back. And somehow she knew she would get back to home, back to the human realm.


Happy Mother's Day Guy's!!!!

    I Almost forgot to upload this chapter but, my best friend had to reminding me by messaging me about something random through wattpad message. You gotta love her, and for whoever's reading, you can guess that we're approaching the end of the book, but trust me just stay tuned cause you never know, we might see Mai again.

Next Update : Sunday May, 18, 2014 

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