What Happens When: You Try to Expect the Unexpected

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[FearlessWizard: OK, I made this to make up to my awesome readers. I'm sorry for making you wait, guys!

So this is another collection of stories, but this time, a collection of short stories. This collection is about possible incidents. It's a work of fiction but they can happen in reality.

Hope you like it.]

“Have you seen Krizia today?”  a student from the table beside us yells to her friend over the noise in the cafeteria .

“Today, not yet.” answered another.

“OMG! You should’ve seen her new cashmere coat & pumps!” said the first.

“Oh yeah! And the dress…it compliments her eyes, her skin! ” said the third.

“You noticed the lip gloss she's wearing? It's Loreal's latest and it looks so great on her! She’s almost perfect!” continued the first.

“Really? Too bad, Lory changed her style. I like her taste more. But now, ugh!” whispered the second.

“Yeah…her clothes are so boring. So conservative. Then she doesn't wear any makeup anymore. I feel sorry for her. She was the most popular sophomore! In fact, she's the only one in her batch.” agreed the first.

“Hey! She’s just on the table next to us. She might hear you.” whispered the third.

That stung. But it’s true. Two weeks ago, I wouldn’t just be sitting here with Jean while wearing supras, blue Aeropostale shirt and a pair of black Bench leggings. I would be at the center table with Jean and Krizia wearing a designer knee-length boots, pink tank top with sequins by Candie’s,  white Jag pants, and top them all with a white Chanel coat. Unlike Krizia and I, Jean never wore makeup and she can't afford to wear designer clothes, but the differences doesn't matter because there are more things we have in common.

And I found out that those things, clothes and makeups, don’t matter after all. There are other things that make you standout.

Ever had the feeling that you want to look good because you'll never know who you might run into?

Two weeks ago, I'm the kind of girl that looks like I try to surpass Taylor Swift when it comes to going out. Even in just going out to the store to run an errand. I'm the kind of person that wouldn't be caught dead wearing A&F shirts.

My reason? My huge crush lives in our village. We also go to the same school. And I want him to see me at my best. Always.

So whenever I go out, I try my best to look as unobtrusive and ladylike as possible in case he is near or I am somewhere near his eyeshot.

Two weeks ago, Friday, I was on my way home from school. I was on my new Gucci stilettos, a Chanel mini skirt and a blouse & cardigan. I was walking home since our family driver got caught on the traffic. I didn't want to stay long in school since I have a companion, but Jean and I live in different villages and Krizia wasn't in school today.

In our village, just next to the arch that says "Scarlet Heights", most lots are empty, since this isn't the main entrance. So I walked normally. The normal speed while looking around walk. I like that. See everything and taste the air. Something like that. I'm a normal person when I'm alone.

When I got three blocks away from home, there are houses already so I fished my iPhone from my Chanel bag and checked my face by its front camera, in case there's a dirt or something. But of course, while looking down, I look at my path. I do this just in case Noah walks by, I want to look good.

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