Chapter 33: Final Confrontation

Start from the beginning

He faced her, still unreadable. No signs of struggle or pain within. "I'm... sorry it had to end this way... sword singer."

"This is madness! And all because you hate your mother?!" the way he spoke, it's not the Dameon I know, she thought. Sudden anger boiled within her body. She did not mean to speak that, but under the circumstances, once spoke were spoken.

The priest went quiet for a while before opened his mouth, "You have a choice."

"What choice?" said Rhen in an irritating tone.

"Join me..." he stared at Rhen, who noticed that Dameon was trying to be sincere. "I'll keep you safe forever."

"Safe? Against what?"

"Ahriman has saved a place for you and me. Under his protection, you'll be more powerful that you can imagine. Think of it, Rhen! We could live forever... together!" he pressed. "Ahriman has the power..."

"But AHRIMAN is evil!!!" Rhen yelled. Tears moistening her eyes. What in the world, she thought. Just because of this? Absurd!

"Are you sure? How do you know that THEY haven't been lying to you?" Dameon pointed his fingers towards Lars and the others. He walked towards Rhen. "My father saw the truth. He knew that Ahriman was something more. The others were jealous of my father's power... Power that Ahriman gave him!"

"Doesn't Ahriman want to destroy the world? Dameon! Think clearly!" she blinked back her tears.

"NO!" the demon boomed a deafening roar so loud that startled everyone else in the room, then spoke in a normal tone. "The world will be made over into something better, something more grand."

Dameon stopped in front of Rhen, "Take this offer, sword singer. Live forever! It's the only way you'l survive..."


"Enough of these crap! Shut up and fight, demon!" Galahad stormed, followed by John.

"Annoying brats," he muttered. "Dameon."

"Yes, sire," Rhen gasped when Dameon summoned a magical barrier and trapped them inside. The dark mage moved towards the prisoners who pounded as hard as possible in attempt to break themselves free. Huge smirk revealing his grey teeth when he spoke in a low tone, "Reality Shift!"

Galahad and John stopped pounding and held their head tight as an immense pain surged. Sounds of wailing coming out from their lips. The pain did not last long before they fell onto the ground, unconscious.

"I'm bored. Entertain me," several evil darklings appeared out of nowhere. With point fangs, razor-like claws and thirsty-looking eyes, they must have not been feasting for a long while.

"Holding the whip, Elini braced herself. "Te'ijal and I will handle this. Help the sword singer!" Lars nodded and ran towards Rhen.


What should I do? This is absurd, but still, he's been acting weird lately. And now he's offering some sort of Utopia for us, under Ahriman's protection?

Memories came into her mind. Her dream she encountered Ahriman who warned her before, "The closest one can be your worst nightmare." The image changed to the conversation between the Pendragon family.

"Avenge me."

The words rang inside her brain. Her mother, who sacrificed herself in attempt to save her own daughter when Ahriman attacked Thais. She snapped out of her dilemma and looked at Dameon, whi looked at her with pure sincerity. With quick thinking she grabbed a handful of something from her backpack.

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