Fallen Star (POEM)

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When I first laid my eyes on you,

I knew you were just a dream in the sky.

No matter how hard I try,

I won't ever be able to reach you.

Even if I know that it's impossible,

a part of me is still waiting for you.

Making me believe that there's still a chance-

a chance that you and I could still be together.

But then I remembered,

you're just a dream.

Unreachable and unattainable.

We can't and won't ever be together...

I kept telling myself to give up.

To move on and let go.

But no matter how hard I try to do those,

Something always draws me back to you.

So I kept waiting for you,

I didn't realize that someone's waiting besides me.

Wanting to tell me that, "There are millions of us up in the sky.

But there's only one who would fall just so he can be with you."

Fallen Star (POEM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora