"Yeah I know you don't love her," George sighed, "But just think about it," he continued, "Who is the person you want to spend all your time with? Who is the on your mind when you wake up in the morning and go to sleep in the evening? Who is the one who you can't get by with without talking to every couple of hours? Who is the one that you will do anything to make happy?" George said, looking intently at me.

"Jeez you really are a twelve year old girl," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood and avoid the question.

"Yeah you've told me enough time," George smiled and I knew that things would be fine between us now. "But just think about it okay?" He added.

I nodded wanting to change the topic.

We were almost out of the park now. I smiled a group of girl who were sitting having a picnic near the gate and had been staring at George and I as we walked up the pebbled path. They looked about our age and one of them smiled back confidently before standing up and making her way towards us.

The front of the group of students had reached the gates and were filing out of the park, however, George and I were at the back of the group so had a good hundred metres still to walk.

"Hey," the girl chirped, in a very attractive British accent, when she reached us. Both George and I stopped and glanced at each other, George's eyebrow was slightly raised.

"Hey," we both responded in unison.

The blonde girls mouth fell open slightly as we spoke and I smirked, she obviously liked the American accent.

"You're American?" she asked.

"Yeah, from LA to be precise," I answered my smirk growing more pronounced as her smile grew slightly.

"So me and my friends were wondering if you wanted to join us? I'm Abby by the way," she chirped.

"Um..." George said, obviously about to decline her invitation.

"We would love too," I smiled. Her smile grew impossibly bigger. George looked at me, his eyebrows pulling together questioningly as we followed Abby to the group of girls sitting under a tree.

"What the hell?" George whispered angrily in my ear.

"They won't even notice we are gone. We can just meet them back at the hotel in time for dinner. Who wants to go see a bunch of wax work models anyway?" I chuckled slightly.

George started at me before a smirk slipped onto his slips and he shrugged.

We reached the group of three girls, four including Abby.

"This is Jess, Clare and Amanda," Abby introduced us. Both George and I smiled and they moved round slightly so we could sit down.

"Guys this is... Actually I don't know your names," Abby giggled, blushing slightly her green eyes sparkling but they were nothing in comparison to Sophie's blue eyes. I sighed; I really need to stop thinking of Sophie.

"I'm George and this is Luke," George said gesturing to me. A smile played at the corner of my lips as I noticed that Jess, Clare and Amanda's mouths all fell open slightly as they heard George's accent. The American accent was definitely a hit.

"They're from LA," Abby continued, smirking at her friends her eyes widening slightly.

"What about you guys? Do you live in London?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're just thought we would take advantage of the nice weather and have lunch here," Clare answered as her eyes flicked up and down me, "So are you two just on holiday?" She continued once she had finished checking me out.

Best friends with Benefits (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now