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I know I haven't even finished most of my other stories but this one keeps sticking and I want to do it so the other will have to wait for awhile. Sorry guys xo


 Let me tell you a bit about myself before you try and get too attached to my fucked life. My name is Jamie. My mother wanted a boy so she tried to name me James but luckily the doctor changed it behind her back, not that she'd notice. That doctor eventually became the only person I could talk to about my home life and if it weren't for my baby brother Ethan I would have left long before. That doctor helped me enroll myself and my brother into school when the time came and he became the contact for anything the school needed. He helped me get my first job and he was the closest thing to a parent I've ever had but because he and his wife are too old they couldn't take us in and because I asked him to he never took us out of our house. It seems fucked but as horrible as my parents are I just can't leave. First, I'm 17 and i'm a senior in high school. Lame I know. I have only a handful of friends who really know me and about my home life and everyone at the school loves me, at least the version of me that they all see. But that's enough about me now let me tell you my story. The story about how I fell in love. And how I was saved from the people who I fear most. The story about how I was finally given the one thing I wanted my entire life: Someone who would stay, and love me throughout all of this.

Okay so this is kinda my next idea for a book and yes there will be abuse so if you don't like that don't read it and some chapters will be worse than others so I'll probably have some sort of warning before hand. I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as my brain wants me to. 


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