A Promise To Keep [Ichigo Kurosaki] o20

Start from the beginning

Ichigo and I sprinted in a direction, anything to get away from Kisuke and his dangerous spiritual pressure. 

"We got to get away. I don’t think he's kidding, I really think he's gonna kill us this time!" 

Kisuke appeared beside us and I let out a yelp as he took a swipe at us. We managed to escape several of Kisuke's swings but accomplished in cutting Ichigo on the head as it dripped off the side of his face, and cut my right cheek where it ran down my face to my chin.

Ichigo and I ran once more, this time more panicky because we had no protection and were being threatened with death. 

"What am I doing? This is so pathetic. Why am I running away? Is this all the backbone I have? Am I just a coward after all? A complete phony? I'm so disgusted with myself. How pathetic. This is pathetic. PATHETIC!" 

"Yes, that’s you," Two voices spoke out. 

Ichigo's and my eyes widened. In front of me was the same woman I seen I before and beside her was a mid aged old man wearing all black. 

"Master…!" Ichigo and I chorused in shock. 

"Why are you running away, Ichigo, Hana? You still haven't called us yet." The beautiful white haired woman said. 

"Face forward Ichigo, Hana. And you should be able to hear it now. The only thing plugging your ears is your own fear." The dark-haired male spoke.

Ichigo and I stopped in our tracks. "There's only one enemy and two of you. What is there to be afraid of?" 

"Hey, what's up? He just stopped, and so did Ichigo and Hana." Jinta questioned in confusion as he, Tessai and Ururu watched the scene unfold in front of them. 

"Abandon your fear, turn and face him. Don’t give an inch." Our masters ordered. Spirit energy started to swirl around us. 

"Now, Ichigo, Hana, advance. Never stop. If you retreat you will age. Be afraid and you'll die. NOW SHOUT OUT OUR NAME!" 



After shouting out their name, a bright light of spirit energy shot out around us. With the swipe of our Zanpakuto's we sent a blast full of energy at Kisuke, who merely sidestepped them.

Our Zanpakuto's were different now. They looked like oversized cleavers rather than a normal looking sword. It didn’t have a guard or even a proper hilt, but what was now the hilt was just a cloth-wrapped handle. The sword was as long as our bodies, and has a black blade with a silver edge.

"What kind of zanpakuto is that? It doesn’t even have a hilt or a guard on it. And its not even shaped like a normal sword! If you ask me, their old one was better!" Jinta snorted.

"Alright! Look at that! Its so pretty!" I exclaimed examining the blade. 

"Its about time. Now that you've managed to draw your zanpakuto its time for lesson number three! Are you ready for that?" Urahara happily grinned.

"Don’t take this the wrong way, Urahara, but I hope you dodge this…" 

"What?" he cautiously asked. 

"Cause we cant' control it yet!"

With that said we sliced down and Urahara raised his sword to defend himself. His hat flew off by the force of attack and defense. 

"Phew! If I hadn't protected myself with my blood mist shield I would have lost an arm just now." He joked as his hat landed at his feet. "That wasn’t very nice. I do believe you both killed my hat." He sang and went to pick up his hat and dusting it off and putting it back on. "Impressive. I didn’t think you could actually do that with a single swing of your sword. Ichigo, Hana, you both are very frightening kids. You know that?"

A Promise To Keep [Ichigo Kurosaki] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now