"Oh you think your life is messed up!? Oh look at me, poor me, I'm Ivy, I freaking cry in my room every night because I don't have any friends, well guess what, I don't care."

This stung me. I choked on the pain, searching for something.


He cut me off.

"Well at least you have family, at least you have a meal every night! Try to think about that next time you take advantage of someone."

With this he slammed into the tent, zipping the door shut behind him.

I was so frustrated that I almost screamed. I pulled at my hair, storming off into the summer forest. I laid against a tree that was close enough to the tent so that I could just see it. Then I screamed into my hands. It was loud, all of my rage and sorrow was released into my voice. It didn't carry that far though, the trees blocked the sound from echoing. Why was he being so horrible to me!? He was my only escape from everyone else and now he hates me too. It's like I did something brutally wrong to him. I don't think I did, and if I did I didn't mean anything by it. I sat on the dry leaves, my head in my hands.

After about 20 minutes or so I felt a small, wet drop on my shoulder. I looked up only to be hit my more raindrops on my face. I should've looked at the sky. It was now an inky gray. I sighed, throwing my head in my hands again. The cold drops kept falling onto my arms and in my scattered blond hair. Summer thunderstorms are my favorite when I'm the one watching them. The drops kept coming and coming, piling down in buckets. My hair and clothes were now soaked to the brim. I moved and everything squelched uncomfortably. I looked forlornly back at the tent. Should I go? The rain fell harder, as if telling me the answer. I stood hesitantly, walking slowly back to the tent. I stopped on the outside. Staring at the zipper. Suddenly a pale hand flew out and grabbed mine, catching me by surprise. Gee pulled me into the dry tent, flinging his arms around me from behind. I sat there in shock as he kissed the top of my head. I could feel my cheeks going hot.

"I am so sorry Ivy." He mumbled.

I smiled, sighing in relief.

"I should never have yelled at you. You didn't do anything wrong. I took out all my anger on you and I'm immensely sorry."

I grinned.

"It's fine." I managed.

He laughed, letting go of me.

"Your cold. And very wet."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.


He stuck his tongue out at me. I dug through my black bag and found my black and white checkered pajama pants and plain red tee. Gee refused that I get dressed out in the rain so he turned his back while I changed. Then we set up sleeping bags. I had the blue one, he had the red one. I pulled myself in, tugging the blanket up to my neck. Gee did the same. He dug into his army green bag and pulled out two armfuls of comic books. My eyes widened.

"What! Dude! No way! These are the ones I haven't even seen yet! How did you get these?" I exclaimed, taking a few in my hands to examine.

He beamed. He was so adorable.

"I actually bought them."

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Wow! I'm impressed!"

He shrugged it off with a small smirk.

"When it comes to comic books I don't mess around."

I laughed, getting engrossed in the Captain America comic book in front of me. So many perilous adventures! I turned to Gee and he looked up from his Spider-Man comic. The rain hit off the top of the tent like millions of tiny fingers thudding on a desk.

The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now