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A/N: Welcome back! Just as I finished another little segment, and began writing a few more, I'm going on vacation in a few days! I'm hoping I can get some more stuff out before I, unfortunately, return to hell (AKA: school). I'd rather just drop out, but I can't lol.

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Title: AWOL

Summary: A little add on/alternative scene of sorts for when Madison and Bill went AWOL in chapter twelve. Inspired by Bill and Babe's book, Brothers in Battle: The Best of Friends.

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Madison had been in the hospital for a few weeks when Bill had shown up. Madison couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the burly, Philly man being wheeled in.


Bill turned his head in the direction where he had heard his name. He had heard Madison's rather high pitched voice. He gave her a grin as soon as he saw her.

"Maddie! It's good to see ya! How ya been, kiddo?"

Madison was about to respond until she noticed his leg. It looked awful. There was blood and shrapnel and overall, it was not in good shape.

"What happened to you?"

Bill said nothing as he let the nurses settle him into the bed next to Madison's. He hissed, but said nothing else otherwise. When he was finally settled in, he answered the young medic.

"I took a joyride on a motorcycle and got hit by a sniper," Bill explained. He sounded somewhat sheepish, because he knew what was about to come. No one liked it when Madison got upset.

"You what?" Madison yelled. The blond man, Fred Summers, who was sitting on her bed had covered his ears, mouthing an "ow". Madison stopped, inhaling sharply and deeply before she continued her next sentence. It had helped calm, although not completely. She was still not pleased with what she had just heard. Her friend had stolen a motorcycle (she knew he stole it, because where else could he gotten it from?), and took the chance to ride it and as a result, he got hit by a sniper and now he was here. What a moron.

"Bill! What were you thinking?! No, don't answer that. You know why? Because you weren't! You could have gotten yourself killed!"

Bill had to admit, he felt a twinge of guilt when she mentioned that. He knew that she looked up to him as an older brother of sorts. That's why they were always bantering with each other. To hear her scolding him like this...well, she was right. He could have gotten killed. Before Bill could open his mouth to respond to his little friend, the blond man, who was accompanying Madison, beat him to it.

"Um, who is this?"

Bill stared at him, then glanced back to his friend. Who the hell was this scrawny boy? Why was he all up in Maddie's personal space? Madison didn't really like it when any of the men got too close to her, it didn't matter if they were friend or foe. He narrowed his eyes at the blond man.

"Who the hell is this?"

Madison glanced between the two, trying to decide how to diffuse the tension.

"This is Fred Summers, he's a family friend from back home," Madison explained, looking back and forth between her childhood friend and her wartime friend. "Fred, this is Bill Guarnere. He's a part of Easy."

"Oh, so this is Gonorrhea?" Fred's loud voice filled the room. Bill gave Madison a look.

"You told him about that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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