"what?" he asked he asked as he looked back at her, the corners of his lips turning up in a half smile.

"kiss me," she said.

cody gripped her face with his large hands and looked at her for a second. she closed her eyes in anticipation so pulled her face up a bit before placing his lips on hers, feeling the warmth of her breath. he could feel anaya smile into the kiss, making him smile, "why're you smiling, dork?"

anaya laughed as they pulled away, suddenly a foot of space between them, but their hands were still entwined, "nothing. let's go."

she tugged his arm a bit down the sidewalk and he quickly caught up, following her. she showed him the corner store she used to buy candy from when her mom was gracious enough to give her money. she showed him the first place she had ever smoked weed and where her first boyfriend first tried to cop a feel on a bus stop bench. they stopped in front of a semi-small house, her old home.

she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, almost immediately the door flew open. a tall, tan, hispanic woman opened the door, she looked strikingly similar to anaya. the woman threw her arms around her daughter and began to sob out tears of joy, "mija!"

cody pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures of them hugging, he assumed anaya would want this memory to be saved. anaya wiped away a few tears as they pulled away.

"mom," she said, stepping back and gesturing to cody, "this is cody, the one i told you about."

her mother looked at him up and down and said something to anaya in spanish, they both laughed which made cody feel only slightly uncomfortable.

"thank you for giving anaya the ticket to come," she spoke with a heavy accent, but she definitely knew english, "our family greatly appreciates it. call me mom, or linda, or mama linda."

cody smiled kindly, confused how she was speaking english, but nodded his head. mama linda approached him and gave him a bear hug, pecking his cheek softly before entering the door once more.

"i thought she didn't speak english?" cody whispered to anaya, "what happened to 'smile and nod'?"

anaya chuckled, "i thought catching you off guard might be funnier."

they entered the house, it was warm and cozy. there were several women there standing in the space between the kitchen and the living room, all young, around anaya's age. they all squealed as soon as she stepped in, running to her and scooping her up in their arms. cody enjoyed seeing anaya with friends, taking a few more pictures for memories sake. once the air had quieted, the girls turned their attention to cody. all of them were stunning, exotic looking women, but they all regarded him skeptically. one of them mumbled something about "gringo" and the group laughed.

"guys, stop," anaya said, her accent suddenly 100x thicker, "this is cody, my, uh," she hesitated, "um, friend."

cody tried to hide the twinge of hurt he felt as he heard her say that, friend. she labeled him as a friend after asking him to kiss her less than ten minutes before, a friend. he smiled and placed his hand out as he introduced himself to her friends.

"i'm yamilet," a girl in a simple blue sundress said, shaking his hand, "nice to meet you, uh, chodey?"

"uh, cody, actually," cody corrected, "nice to meet you."

"he's cute, yaya," a girl with thick accent said, looking at anaya then back at cody.

"yeah he is," anaya mumbled in agreement, looking at the ground.

"i'm valentina," she said.

cody paused before shaking the girl's hand, she was almost flawless. she had no makeup on but her skin seemed to glow, she was short and lean, but her hips had curves. her long hair fell in waves down her back, tucked under each ear, "wow, hi," cody said, his mouth agape slightly in awe.

valentina giggled and turned her attention to anaya, wiggling her eyebrows. anaya tried her best not to roll her eyes, nodding somewhat encouragingly at her friend.

the last girl introduced herself, "and i'm luciana," she said shortly, not bothering to stick out her hand, just giving a quick wave.

"so, these are my closest friends," anaya said, "now let's eat breakfast," she clapped her hands together, "i'm starving."

she exited the living room and walked to the kitchen where her mom was already waiting. yamilet and luciana followed, but valentina hung behind, looking at cody. her tongue moved along her bottom lip, as she walked towards him.

"it was very nice of you to give yaya a ticket to come see us," she said as she ran her hand flirtatiously down his toned arm, giving it a little squeeze, "very nice."

when she said that, something told cody that she wasn't talking about giving away the ticket. against his better judgement, he flirted back, "well, i am a very generous man."

valentina giggled and let go of his arm, walking into the kitchen and joining the rest of the party. cody watched as she walked away, his eyes not leaving her swaying hips.

a/n: anaya should start looking for a new man

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