Chapter 5...I'm Back!

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Still  Jacobs POV 

   After all the reports for the police and mom finally getting there I am now sitting in Mia's room, holding her hand, and praying for her to wake up. 

"Knock Knock" mom says as Dalton and her entered 

"The doctor tell you anything?" Dalton asked I shake my head "No, they won't tell me anything, but mom they will tell you" I say addressing mom at the end. She nods and walks out to find a doctor. "How are you feeling and don't give me the crappy I'm Fine, I know how you feel about her." "I can't loose her Dalton, I would rather have her alive and not with me then not have her at all." I say with my voice cracking at the end "I know but when she wakes up you have to tell her" I nod "No I'm not saying this just to say it you have to." "Okay" I nod. 

~~An Hour Later~~

I've been sitting with Mia, silently praying some more that she will wake up. The doctors told mom that she should be waking up within the next few hours and something else really important that mom won't tell until Mia wakes up and gives her the okay. I keep squeezing her hand in hopes of her squeezing it back and by know I think I could imagine it. Like rn when she just squeezed my hand back I keep imagining... OMG her eyes are open. 

Before I register anything I've already  jumped up and hugged her. She shrikes and I jump just as fast back and saw fear written on my face but once realization settled in her eyes. I start to say "Hey" but she interrupts " Thank You" she says without stuttering like she used to taking to me.  "No, don't thank me" "Yes, thank you" "No Mia don't thank me I didn't get to you until after he rapped you." I say raising my voice. "Bu..." "Hey is she awa... Mia I'm so glad you awake. Your parents couldn't get back but I'm here if you need me" Mia nods to mom but doesn't move her eyes from me till the door opens as Dalton and the doctor walk in she looks at them with fear written everywhere on her face she starts shacking like crazy her hart monitor starts beeping just as bad as she shacking. Nurses rush in but they can't do anything but hold her down and keep injecting stuff into her IV "Who was the guy that saved her?" a new female doctor that entered after "Me" "Okay look everyone is going to leave the room but you and you are the only one that can calm her" she says as everyone leaves the room. I move over to her, sit on her bed pulling her into my lap cradling her as I whisper sweat nothings into her ear.

She's finally fallen asleep when the new doctor comes in "Hi" "Jacob" I say filling in my name for her "Hi Jacob, I'm Dr. May. I would like to explain what happened earlier you a guy are the person that saved her and she will only feel safe around you and other women its part of her trauma so Jacob I need you to stay with her even when she says she doesn't need you. You will be her safe haven." "I will I promise" "Okay, well when she wakes up have her change into these clothes and then you all can leave" I nod as a silent thank you as she leaves and mom and Dalton enter.   

A/N Well I hope you glad Im back cause I am! I fixed the computer and this is all i have for you rn sorry its not good but i will update again soon! 



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