18. Bonfire Drama

Start from the beginning

"I do know the feeling." He nodded.

"Oh." I didn't know where this feeling of jealousy was rising from. I knew I had developed something for him and I was  under the impression my feelings were reciprocated, but judging from the conversation we had the other day and argument we got into over the situation with Ryan that may not be the case. 

"Why do you sound disappointed?" He asked with a frown. I shrugged and looked up at him, leaning my back against a tree trunk.

"Why didn't you bring her here tonight with you instead of me?" I countered. His brows furrowed together.

"I did." My jaw slacked as my brows lifted in surprise.

"Wait... you mean... me?" My brain processed what he was saying and I realised that everything clicked together. "How come you got so angry then? When we first met...just now, you made it sound like a dream, but that's not how you acted when we first met." Paul rubbed the nape of his neck, another nervous expression.

"I was being an idiot and my brain was scattered everywhere from other things. It's--uh--it's a bit of a long story, if it's okay I'll happily tell you another day." I nodded. I could accept that for now, particularly since our relationship had grown since our first meeting, despite the occasional obstacles there has been a mutual level of respect between us.

"So, I take it Sam Imprinted on Emily and that goes for Jared and Kim" I wondered.


"Has Jake Imprinted on Bella? Is that why he is so invested in her?" I asked, curiously. It would actually make sense if he had since he shows a strong admiration for her and he also devoted a lot of his time to her.

"No, he didn't. He's just obsessed with her," Paul shrugged. I frowned, going back to being confused about that boy's obsession and the reason that Bella is equally as attached to him (when it suits her, at least). "Do you want to head back?" I nodded, letting go of all thoughts Bella and tried to focus on the information I just learnt. Paul basically declared that I had someone who was devoted to standing by my side through the rest of my life and, even though it scared me to think that far ahead, for now, it gave me a warm feeling to know that he'd be there for me. Despite our somewhat rocky start there was a sense of security I felt around him.

"Thank you, Paul, though. For telling me" I smiled appreciatively at him and he grinned back. We walked back to the group silently and sat back on the log, jumping into conversation with Embry, Quil and Jacob.

"You finally told her?" Embry muttered with a grin.

"I know the big secret." I nodded with a smile.

"Ahh, congrats!" Embry exclaimed with a grin and slapped Paul on the shoulder brotherly. Paul narrowed his eyes at Embry, while I noticed Bella turn to Jacob questioningly.

"Paul Imprinted on Kira" Jacob mumbled, turning to look at Bella.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now