Emilie "Lili" Song

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Birth Name: Seon-Hui Song (송선휘)

Given name: Liliana Song

Also Known As: Lili(by everyone), Lil(by Odd), Sis(by Ulrich), Song(by Jim)

Nationality: Korean(Chinese-American heritage)

Age: 14(Season 1-2) 15(Season 3-4) 16(Evolution)

Height: 4'4

Weight: 98.2lbs

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Dark Brown

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Lyoko Form: Gun Mage(Season 1-3) Psychic(Season 4-Evolution, however she regains her dual pistols despite her newfound abilities)

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Lyoko Form: Gun Mage(Season 1-3) Psychic(Season 4-Evolution, however she regains her dual pistols despite her newfound abilities)

Weapon(s): Dual Pistols(Lili's main weapons in her arsenal. She can also use her pistols in close combat.) Zanbatou(Lili's secondary weapon that she obtains in Season 4 along with her new psychic powers. This spear may be obtain to her Korean heritage.)

Lyoko Powers: Gunplay(Lili can shoot at the enemy), Trigger Happy(Lili can shoot repeatedly at a fast pace), Piercer(Lili can shoot an enemy and can also damage the one near it.) Cross Shot(Lili can shoot at different directions. This ability is obtained in season 3) Psionic(Obtained in Season 4, Lili can use her psychic abilities against her enemies), Teleport(Lili can teleport herself and her allies to various positions) Force Field(Lili can protect herself and her allies from enemy attacks by summoning a blue-like energy ball around them.) Psychic Bomb(Lili can summon a huge blue-like energy ball in the air, however due to the immense energy of the ability some of her life points will be drained.) Seventh Sense(Lili can sense an enemy's presence from afar.)

Romantic Interest: William Dunbar(since Season 4)

Person Closest to: Yumi Ishiyama

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