The walk

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Harry's POV

Harry and Ginny left the great hall behind, the sounds of people talking and celebrating grew quieter. The halls of Hogwarts castle were a great mess what with the rubble from yesterday's events scattered everywhere.

Harry tried not to think about yesterday. Yesterday was gone. Today was a new day. A happier day. A day in which Voldemort didn't exist. A day Harry didn't have to hunt down anymore horcuruxs. A day when Harry didn't have to worry about having to kill or be killed. A day Harry had kissed the most beautiful girl in all of the wizarding world. A day in which he could imagine a whole future with her. But for now he was content to simply take her hand.

And as he did he snuck a glance at her. She smiled at him. Harry was often surprised at how pretty Ginny was. Her red hair sometimes reminded him of his mother. Which was probably among one of the many things he loved about Ginny.

"You know you're staring at me. Don't you?" Ginny said interrupting his thoughts.

"I was? I'm sorry. I didn't notice." Harry stammered.

"It's all right, Harry." Ginny smiled.

"So where are we walking to?"

"Well I suppose we could walk anywhere you'd like." Harry replied. "Maybe we could go find a nice spot out by the lake, or we could just walk the corridors or..."

"Maybe we could go someplace a little more private." Ginny said interrupting him.

Harry smiled. "Okay. Er..where did you have in mind then?"

Ginny tugged a bit on his hand and led him through the corridors to the entrance of what Harry remembered to be the room of requirement.

"It can be anything we want." Ginny said smiling.

Then she let go of Harry's hand and started concentrating hard and walking three times in front of where the entrance would appear. And sure enough it did.

Ginny smiled and took Harry's hand in hers once more and led him through the doors.

Harry smiled. Ginny had created a beautiful room. The floors were made of pillows and there was a great fire place with dancing blue flames. The ceiling was charmed to look like the sky. Just like in the grand hall. The sky was blue with giant puffy clouds moving all around.

Ginny let go of Harry's hand and laid down on the pillows. "That one looks like a Hungarian horntail." She said pointing up at the clouds. She winked at Harry.

"Oh you mean like the one tattooed to my chest?" Harry said laughing and making air quotations. "Let me have a look at this."

Harry lay down on the pillows next to Ginny. "You know it kind of does." Harry said looking at the clouds.

Ginny looked at him. "You've got to be kidding, Harry. 'KIND OF?' It looks exactly like a Hungarian horntail."

"Well I think I would know, Ginny. I am the one who had to fight one. But then again your imagination is a lot better than mine."

Ginny smiled. "Hmmm. You're probably right about that." She took hold of Harry's hand, lacing her fingers through his.

This made Harry smile. Everything was almost perfect in the world. If only for just this moment. He turned his head to look at Ginny. And in that moment he was sure he loved her. But being to shy to say it he simply asked, "May I kiss you, Ginny?"

"Harry. You ask the most stupid questions." She leaned her head over his. Her red hair tickling Harry's nose. But he liked it. Almost as much as he liked the feeling of her lips on his.

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