Part 1

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The door to the restaurant had a vague mirror-like quality and I stopped to look at my reflection before walking in.

My stomach was flipping over itself and I was nervous to even attempt to gauge how I looked. It had been a very long time since I had been on a first date (or any date, really) and I had never been on a blind date before. I was so nervous that I leaned one hand on the side of the wall to keep myself steady as I inspected myself.

Unfortunately, I saw exactly what I expected to see. A mess!

I'd walked twenty blocks from my apartment ("it's a nice night!" I said to myself, "and I am early, might as well walk." Moron) and my hair hadn't stood up well. I kept my black hair long and had straightened it before I left, but it was a getting frizzy from the humid air. My eye shadow, which had looked smoky when I put it on at the apartment, looked a little raccoonish now around my large, green eyes. I have exceptionally pale skin and so, in my apartment, I'd tried to redden my cheeks a bit. Now I found in the natural light that I'd put it on too thickly, looking a bit whorish. Somehow, the bright color made my aquiline nose look even bigger than usual. At least my teeth were white.

Below my neck, the situation was even worse. I had debated a long time about what, exactly, I should wear. I'd tried on several dresses, ranging from conservative to slutty. But I finally decided that none of them worked. I'd put on a suit I often wore to work because I liked the way it made my ass look. But now, looking at myself in the reflection, I found I looked far too professional for an evening dinner date. The suit was form fitting with a short coat and tight pants, but it still looked like I was preparing to meet clients. My small feet were clad in flats that didn't exactly scream "I am ready to date." Worse, for some reason I'd buttoned my shirt all the way up to my throat. I AM A GENIUS !

I quickly pulled out some tissues and dialed back the makeup on my face, giving it more even look around my eyes and cheeks. I also used a corner of a tissue to straighten up my deep red lip stick. I didn't want to whip a brush out in the middle of the street or anything, so I just patted my hair down as best I could. Finally, I self-consciously unbuttoned the top two buttons blouse, exposing the tops of my breasts. I looked into the half-reflection of the door again and saw, once again, what I expected to see: a desperate 5'3, 138lbs, 34-year old woman who hadn't been on a date in six months and hadn't been fucked in nearly a year. But hey, at least my make-up looked better.

I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

A Blind Date (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora