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Or Calvin

What ever, I don't care.

You're an utter pig.

Did you really think that you would get away with being abusive?

Well, you won't.

The police are on a hunt for you. You can't run forever.

And you would've gotten away with it too, If it hadn't been for the proof on my back.

The bruises.

The scratches.

And to think of all the times I kissed you, shared my deepest thoughts with you.

My parents trusted you as much as I did, if I knew you were gonna do this, I never would've dated you.

So this is why I'm sharing this entry with the world.

Not because I want your career to down in flames (which it will do anyway).

Not because you've been a pussy and run away from the drama.

Because I want to let the world know that you should never underestimate the capability of people. Just because you've trusted them once, doesn't mean you can trust them forever.

And yes, I felt that I should show you the photo above, because abuse is something that everyone should be made aware of, and if you tolerate it, you're just as guilty as the one who did it. Not naming any names, but you know who you are.

Don't worry though, I'm stronger than this, I'll be okay.

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