Hiddleswift~The Met Gala

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"Tonight I'm gonna dance for all that we've been through, but I don't wanna dance, unless I'm dancing with you,"

-Taylor Swift, Holy Ground

"Girl, you are totally digging the robot look!" Gigi says as we pull up for the Met Gala. We step out of the limo and she rushes off to find Zayn. Everyone is literally gaping at me. Maybe it's because of my bleached hair or the fact that I look like a robot, I do not know.

Gigi and I head off to the after party to meet Lorde (Ella).The after party is always the worst because they have the best music but no one ever dances.i kinda of wish Adam was here, but he swore after the IHeart Radio Awards that he would never come to an event with me again.I think it was because he was intimidated by my success.

We meet up with Ella and try to find our table. Guess what table we're on? THIRTEEN! I bet you guessed that. My namecard is next to Ella and Tom Hiddleston. I swear he's the guy who plays Loki in Thor or something like that. "OMG, Taylor's next to Tom Hiddleston! He is so hot, you should get his number!" Ella squeals. "What about Adam?" I ask. "He's been acting really weird recently and I don't want to make anything worse," "Oh fuck Adam. He's not a saint so why should you be? I think I see Tom coming this way! Sit down and act natural,"Gigi says. I sit down and he approaches. I find myself staring at him. "That's not natural!" Lorde hisses.He takes a seat next to me. "Oh my, you're Taylor Swift! I love your songs and my favourite is 'Sparks Fly!' Where are my manners? I'm Tom. Tom Hiddleston," He shakes my hand. "Pleasure to meet you Tom," For a second our eyes lock and something goes off in my head. Something about the way he looks at just feels so right. My mind is telling me that I'm attracted to him, but I thought I still loved Adam. I never believed in love at first sight but is this it? I'm just so confused."Let me pour you some wine," Oh my god, he is such a gentlemen. He pours me a glass and then one for himself and I bring it to my lips. Soon the warm fuzzy feeling enters my mind and I become more confident. Why should I worry about Adam? If he doesn't come then I'll spend the night with someone else. We small talk for a little bit and he asks me if have a boyfriend. "Yes, I do but it's just things aren't going that well and I feel like I don't have control over anything," I say .We sit in silence for a while, just drinking. I zone back in to my surroundings. I think I got lost in Toms eyes and I now realise that my friends have been sat there the whole time. "You know at these events there is good music, but no one seems to dance!" I say. "Why don't we bust a few moves?" Tom asks, standing up. "Sure! Let's go!" We start dancing and we get a few looks from people but then it seems like someone else decided to start dancing then more and more people join in until everyone's dancing. Gigi started recording us dancing , but Tom didn't seem to mind, so I decided neither should I. By the end of the night I was so drunk, and when I'm drunk apparently I like to get quite sexual. (which isn't a good thing when you've got a boyfriend and you're dancing with an attractive man.)

"Let me take you home." Tom says at around 1:00am I think. "Yeah, take me home where we're alone," I reply. I was so drunk.


Honestly I was so drunk that I probably did some bad things last night. This is what I remember.

"Let me take you home," I say."Yeah, take me home where we're alone," I don't know what a drunk Taylor Swifts intentions were, but if they were anything to do with both of us going to her home and spending the rest of the night together, they were similar to mine. Neither of us drove as we would probably be dead right now. Her security drove us home and she showed me into her house. I can remember it being massive, but it still had a homely feel to it. She showed me up to her bedroom. She sat on the bed and gestures for me to sit down too. She turned the lights down low. Taylor walked back over to me and I said "What's on your mind?" She straddled me. "You," she whispered in my ear. Me being as drunk as her happily accepted.(I think I would have done it even if I was sober.) She's so beautiful."Are you sure?" I asked."Shh," she said pulling me in and kissed me. The rest was history.


I'm awoken by a pounding headache. Ugh hangovers suck. What happened last night? Oh no. What would Adam say if I told him that I had a one night stand?

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