The New Heroes In Town

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            When Raven got up, the sun hasn't even come up. She sighs as she gets out of bed. She couldn't sleep. It made her dream of things that she didn't like to dream of. Raven saw the pair of clothes at the edge of the bed. Probably from Bruce. Just a play white tee shirt and black basketball shorts. She changes into them and opens the door out of the room. She explores the tower since she didn't have a chance to explore the last time.

"Miss Grimm, what are you doing up this hour. I hope you are not trying to run away again. I will have to inform the avengers."

Raven jumped at the sudden voice. She looked around before responding, "Who was that."

"I am JARVIS. Miss Grimm, you haven't responded to my question."

"Oh. No, I'm not run away. I would have gone through the window. I just couldn't sleep so I decide to walk around."

"Shall I give you a tour then."

"I would like that, but could you call me Raven."

"Of course, Miss Raven."

Raven followed where JARVIS instructed her to go. It was fun to look around. Raven ended up at the training room. "Miss Raven would you like do a training regimen. Just to see where you are at."

"Sure." JARVIS instructed her to go onto the platform.

"Are you ready, Miss Raven." Raven nodded and the program started up. Then there were about five bots surrounding her. It was very clear as what she was supposed to do when one of the bots charged towards her.

Raven easily blocked the bots attacked was able to take down the 5 bots down with ease. "Shall we increase the bots Miss Raven."

She grinned. "Sure. I haven't broken a sweat." 10 bots appeared. This is fun. She thought.

After an hour or so JARVIS began to speak. "I believe that is enough for today. You did especially well Miss Raven. You were able to take down as many bots as much as Thor."

Raven smiled to herself. "Thanks Jarvis." Raven went to leave the training room when she saw Loki, standing by the door with a towel and water bottle. Raven quickly rushed past Loki, not wanting to be alone with him. Raven, somehow, ended up in the kitchen. She reached for an apple, not noticing the man next to her.

"Raven, an apple really?"

Raven shrugged, as she took a bit out of her apple. "Raven, Jarvis told me you were up training." Raven flinched, "You're going to need more than an apple. Go sit down and I'll make you something."

Barton interjected. "I'm not going to let this poor kid eat your food. "Barton started cooking the food for Raven. Tony started complaining that his food wasn't that bad while Barton ignored him.

Steve entered the kitchen as Barton sent down the food for Raven. "Suit up we have a mission."

"You guys are leaving?" Raven asked.

"We won't be going to for that long." Clint made his way to Raven and ruffled her hair. With that they left, Ray and Raven alone.

The tower was quiet. It just felt wrong. Raven though as she ate her food. Ray sat down next to her, waiting for her to finish her food. "So, you were training?" Ray asked, trying to start a conversation. Raven nodded as she got up to throw the rest of her food away. "It's kind of wrong that they just left us here. We can handle our own. We have superpowers."

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