Act 2- Shiro

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Act 2

Paul's POV

I watched the two brothers argue back and forth and I decided that I should make my escape. I tip toed over to the backdoor and made a mad dash to the outside of the palace.

Luckily nobody caught me.

I made my way past the dense forest and passed by many types of pine trees. I hope I can find someone I know soon.

Ale's POV

"Are you feeling better?" The girl called Flora asked me. I looked at her cautiously and nodded.

"Dear, I saved your life and you think I am a bad person?" Flora questioned and I immediately felt guilty. "I'm sorry, just that.... I've been betrayed by nice people before so it is kinda hard for me to believe some acts of kindness." I said looking away.

"Oh, do you want to talk about it?" She asked. I smiled slightly and shook my head. "Not right now. I have to look for my friends." I told her standing up.

"Wow, your potion sure does wonders." I said not even feeling any pain at all. My fever was gone too! Could this woman be... A witch of sorts?

"Well I am known for my healing abilities dear." She smiled. I sent her a thankful look and started to walk away.

"Hang on a minute!" Flora called out. I turned back to look at her and she was already in front of me.

"Come with me. I think I know where they might be." She said and pulled me along.

Paul's POV

The trees seemed to be getting gloomier the deeper I went into the forest. I don't feel... Too safe. Okay! Time to... TRANSFORM!

"Magical Illusion! Change Me!!!" I yelled and lifted up my transformation crystal. I went through my transformation process and became Soldier Magic.

"The Secret Soldier of Magic and Illusion. Soldier Magic." I said striking a pose. I heard the sound of a wolf howling loudly and it gave me chills.

"Perhaps I should hide somewhere..." I told myself and went deeper into the forest. I heard the sounds of... Heavy foot steps behind me.

I didn't dare to turn around but... It sure didn't sound like that of a human. It sounds like... the running of a predator.

"Well well... Look what we have here." A deep voice said and I stiffened. Oh god I am in so much trouble. And this time no one is going to bail me out!

Third Person POV

"What was that energy earlier...? It's still bugging the hell out of me." A man with bright red eyes and blonde hair said angrily.

"Kage! Get over here!!" The man called out loudly.

"What's up Shiro?" Kage asked as soon as he walked in. "Did you sense that energy as well?"

He scoffed. "Even the demons sensed it." He said twirling a knife in his hand.

"I have to check this out. I want you to stay here in case there are any... Problems." Shiro said and vanished into the shadows.

He arrived in a dark and gloomy forest and heard faint sounds of footsteps. Following the sounds, he soon found the source of it and raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"Well well... Look what we have here." Shiro said while grinning darkly. The small boy stiffened and swallowed before slowly turning around.

Shiro's POV

Heh, he was cute. Too bad I don't swing that way. I already got my smoking hot wife who I love to-

"Excuse me, but do you know where I am?" He asked in a small voice. I snapped out of my thoughts and put on a cold expression.

"You're in my forest." I answered and frowned. "What's a human like you doing down here? And your not dead..." I said beyond confused.

"Also... Are you wearing...?" I couldn't exactly put it into words.

"A skirt yes." I nodded.

I shrugged it off.

"Heh, whatever your coming with me." I grabbed his arm and dragged him harshly. "Hey! Stop! Your hurting me!" He said with tears in his eyes.

"Good." I smirked and continued to drag him.

He hardly put up a fight. Tsk, well he looked pretty small. I bet he couldn't even hurt a fly. "Where are you taking me?!" He cried out.

"Somewhere..." Was all I said and dragged him all the way to my castle. Once we arrived I led him straight to the dungeons and I shoved him inside an empty cell.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here in my dungeons." I smirked and casually strode back to my throne.

Paul's POV

This man was quite rude. I needed to get out of here and quick. "Magical Illusion! Turn me invisible so I can travel through the bars!" I called out and there was a burst of sparkles and I turned invisible.

I passed through the metal, rusty bars easily and silently cheered. I noticed a few slaves locked up and crying in the corners.

I released them and they were surprised when the door burst open suddenly. Oh right, they couldn't see me. I removed my invisibility and they stared at me.

"Come on! Don't just sit there! Your free!" I told them and they immediately ran out of their prisons.

"Hang on. Don't go up or he'll catch you." I told them and destroyed the wall with a blast of magic. They smiled and ran outside towards their freedom.

I grinned but I felt a strong gust of wind and my outfit flapped wildly. Soon, I noticed all the slaves were on the ground, their own blood pooled around them.

I stared wide eyed at their attacker and I see the blonde haired man grin evilly and licked some blood which coated his fingers. "Tasty." He smirked.

"You... Y-you..." I gasped and backed up against the wall. "You killed them!" I cried out and ran upstairs as fast as I could. The memory of those slain slaves imprinted in my mind. My sound of my boots echoed throughout the dusty dungeon, my heartbeat accelerating with every step.

I swung open a metal door and bumped into a strong solid chest.

"Yo, where ya headed cutie?" He asked in a seducing voice and I looked up slowly and met a pair of different colored eyes.

One was red, one was gray.

"What do ya say we go to my room and... Get down and dirty." He grinned with a perverted look and I immediately shoved him away but he barely took a step back.

"In your dreams pervert!" I said and turned around to dash downstairs but now I was met with red eyes this time.

"It was foolish how you thought you could escape from me." Shiro smirked. My eyes widened in horror and I didn't dare to make any sudden movements or I might end up like those poor slaves...

"Exploding... Voltage!" I heard someone yell and Shiro instantly spun around and shot a blast of dark energy in the direction of the voice.

However he missed and the line of electricity hit him straight in the chest.

"What the hell is this? I can't move?!" He growled. I turned to see Soldier Electricity and he grinned. "Your paralyzed for a couple of seconds. Come on Soldier Magic! Let's get out of here!" He said grabbing my arm and quickly dragging me outside.

"Damn it." Kage mumbled and charged up some type of shadow magic and shot it towards us.

"Mirror Refection!" I called out and a large mirror appeared which reflected the magic but Kage simply teleported out of the way.

"Let's go back to that castle!" I said and lifted up my Teleportation Tiara. "Tiara! Take us to the castle with Ronin!" I said. Soldier Electricity and I teleported away from the dark castle.


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