Chapter 1

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It's what I see every morning when I wake up. Well, ever since 5 years ago when I got put in the closet. But it's not bad, I sit around and do what I like and I don't have to deal with any owners or shoes.

When I first got put in the closet, I was sad. I mean, who wants to be stuck in a small dark space? Then I was angry, at my owner for putting me here, at the closet for being so prison-like, at everything! But I soon learned to accept it for what it was and enjoy myself.

I would be perfectly happy just living here for the rest of my days.


But suddenly light filters into the closet, and someone is removing my coats from me. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see a face. It is an owner, maybe twelve years old. Her eyes light up as they spot me.

"Oh my gosh! Mom, it's one of my favorite shoes from when I was six! Check it out!"

I hear some heavy footsteps and an older owner comes over with a huge box. Somehow, her face is familiar and makes me feel nauseous. Compared to the younger one, her eyes don't really do anything when they see me.

"Great. What are you going to do with it?"

The younger owner's face falls and shrugs.

"Well, the choice is to either throw it out or bring it out front to the garage sale. I'm not going to let you bring a useless old shoe to our new house."

"But who would want just one shoe?"

"I don't know, but it's that or trash."

The younger owner sighs, picks me up, and drops me into the older owner's box.

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