The Ten Day Furlough

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A/N: Hey guys, welcome back! As you all know, I have decided that while I'm still trying to piece together the plot for the sequel, I would be writing one shots and stuff in the mean time! This means I will be writing/uploading scenes that didn't make the final cut of WOEOT. I may include one shots for The Pacific as well. If you guys want to like, suggest any other scenarios, I'll be willing to do it! This is going to be a lot of fun :)

In the beginning of each chapter, I will state what it's about. The chapters will vary in length and will not be in chronological order. Hope you enjoy this first chapter in the series!

BTW, I'm going to change the cover later when I have the time to.

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Title: The Ten Day Furlough

Summary: Easy gets a ten day leave, and Madison goes home to visit her family.

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The Ten Day Furlough

They were at Fort Benning for almost a whole month when Colonel Sink had pinned the silver parachute wings to each and every soldier on December 26, 1942. Afterwards, everyone celebrated with drinking. It was a blast. Everyone knew you were the best of the best with the silver wings on.

Everyone received a ten day furlough for home. Colonel Sink had told them all to behave well and to return on time.

Madison was so excited. She'll be seeing her family and friends again. How exciting!

She rode back to Ohio with Donny Hoobler. All they did was blabber away while onlookers looked confused by Madison's appearance. She mostly ignored their looks, she wasn't going to be bothered by them.

Madison got off at the train station in Dayton and took a cab to her house. She had not told her relatives that she was back. She was going to surprise them. That was her Christmas gift to them.

When the taxi driver stopped in front of her house, she paid him and looked up at her house. A two story, American Foursquare home. She loved it.

"Madison? Ist, dass Du, Schatz?"

Madison did not not notice that someone was sitting on the swing porch. By the sound of their voice, however, she knew that it was her grandfather, Michael Klein.

"Ja, Großvater, es ist mir," Madison shouted loud enough for him to hear as she made her way up the porch steps. "Wir haben zehn Tage Urlaub."

"Ah, come here my little mädchen!" Michael had his hands on his granddaughter's shoulders, examining her. "Look at you! We are so proud of you!" He drew her in close, hugging her. Madison hugged her grandfather in return.

The front door opened. "Opa, who are you--Maddie!"

Madison smiled widely as she turned to face her sister. "Morgy! How are you? Is mama or papa home?"

"Nein, mama went to the store and took Mikey with her, and papa's still working hard as always," Morgan shook her head. She checked her sister out. "Wow, you look different!"

"I know. Training is intense," Madison explained. "How about we go inside and catch up? It's kind of cold out here, don't you think?"

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The three Kleins made their way inside the home. Everything inside looked the same to Madison. Nothing had really changed during her first few months away.

They sat in the dining area, where the twins' grandmother joined them and served them a few snacks here and there.

Madison was telling all sorts of stories about training. She left out the parts when men gave her a hard time and were cruel to her, because she didn't want them to worry. Instead she told the grueling details of training and her friends. She had just finished the details of her Thanksgiving (AKA: crawling through pig guts--that wasn't nothing new--and being shot at with live ammo) when the front door opened.

WOEOT: One Shots [band of brothers / hbo war]Where stories live. Discover now