Chapter 16 - Chaos

Start from the beginning

 The three of us stood outside the bus, kids still bustling around and Coach bringing out the last of the paper towels used to clean up Jared's vomit. I was shifting anxiously on my feet, until Stiles grabbed my arm and I froze. His eyes searched mine, but I looked away, afraid they would go too deep and find the darkness in them I've been hiding.

 "Let's go!" Coach shouted, blowing that blasted whistle. "Back on the bus,"

 We glanced around each other nervously. A couple minutes had already passed and Allison still wasn't back out with Scott yet. The anxiety was beginning to feel overwhelming, until Stiles' laced his fingers through mine and gave me a reassuring look. I let out a deep breath and leaned into him.

 This is all my fault. If I hadn't lost control, I would be able to heal Scott with no worries. I wouldn't feel this constant yearning for power that burns in the back of my chest. I wouldn't be afraid to be around Stiles when I feel vulnerable in fear of hurting him too. Things wouldn't exactly be easy, but they would definitely be a lot less hard.

 Lydia spotted Allison making her way out of the bathroom with Scott's arm slung around her shoulder. She ran over to them, and I went to join, but Stiles held me back. "We need to stall Coach," he said.

 "Come on! On the bus, everyone!" Coach shouted, blowing his whistle again.

 "Coach, we need a little more time to - "

 "Isaac!" I yelled, cutting off Stiles. 

 I was ignored, Isaac pouncing on Ethan and tackling him to the ground. I pushed through the crowd to see if I could pull them apart, but watching them fight was making a fire burn in my stomach. I could feel Isaac's anger, and it was fueling something inside of me. 

 "Isaac! Isaac!" Coach yelled, grabbing him by the back of the shirt.

 I began backing away, running into people who had circled to watch the fight. I watched Isaac throw Danny off as he continued to beat Ethan's face bloody. A tingle ran through my fingertips. I had to get away from this. If I keep watching this feeling is only going to get worse.

 I turned and tried to run, but ran straight into someone. A sense of relief washed over me when I looked up to see that it was Stiles. I closed my eyes and buried my face deep into his chest, trying to block out all of the chaos around me. He arms wrapped around me instinctively. 

 "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked into my hair.

 Maybe I should tell him. I should tell him that every time I feel an emotion too strongly I get the urge to lose control again. I should tell him that I feel this kind of evil darkness lurking in the corners of my soul, waiting to break free again. I should tell him these things. But I'm terrified out of my mind.


 I pulled myself out of Stiles' chest, but still remained close to him as I turned around at the sound of Scott's voice. Isaac seemed to freeze. He was breathing heavily, his fist still clenched as he turned around to face Scott. If I didn't have enough evidence to support my case before, this definitely reassured me. I know why Brittany was here, and it wasn't just for any alpha. 

 Danny tended to Ethan as the crowd whispered about what they just witnessed. I felt Stiles glance at me, but my eyes were glued to Scott. Stiles tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me closer to him as Coach began to shuffle kids back onto the bus.

 My heart was still pounding, but I was beginning to relax as Stiles massaged light circles into my back. It just terrifies me that one little fight like that just about pushed me over. In the world we live in, that's a walk in the park. I'm going to have to find a better way to shut it out or else someone is going to get hurt again. I don't think I can handle taking another person's life, even if those witches do come and kill me. 

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