~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I snuck off. Technology I did as I was told. Tete Bree told me to stay with her and help until we were done. So I waited till we were done. I am at the game section looking for games to buy. I have a lot of my saved up from chores. If I clean the kitchen I get twenty dollars because its big like my dick. If I clean the bathroom and living room correctly I get ten dollars for each room. My room I get paid nothing because its my room and I should pay myself for cleaning my own room. Tete Bree's words. They have infinite warfare, 2k 17, and Assassin's Creed. I need them in my life. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned my ad and saw my aunt. "Oh hi mark." I joked. "Didn't I tell you not to walk off anywhere." Tete Bree said angrily. "Ah ah ah miss Bree." I said waving my finger in her face. I jumped back when she bit at my finger. "You specifically said stay with me until we are done. Go back and highlight the words until we are done." I pointed out. "So I walked off when we were done." I said innocently. "She is right tho." Shannon said. She stared at me for a few minutes. "Why you gotta be a smartass?" She asked me. "What are doing anyways?" Tete Bree asked me. "Well I want these three games. Infinity warfare, 2k 17, and Assassins Creed. I'm thinking of buying them." I explained to them. "Do you have money to buy those? Cause I already spent over a thousand dollars on you for that damn studio." She asked me.

"Well yeah. Buy the problem is doin want to spend the money to get the games." I said thinking. "But game is life. But money is important for life. But games are fun. But money is good for when you want to have fun. But you can always get it later Y/n. But I can always work for money later. But do I care? No i do not." After a whole lots of buts I finally made a decision. I tried to reason with myself but in the end the games won. "OK I'll buy them." I said turning to them. The three of them looked at me with a straight face. "Someone go get a worker before I strangle this girl." Tete Bree said. "What I do?" I asked confused.


"My parents and Camila's family are here. Also the girls are coming with your daughter." Ally read off of text on her phone. "Where they staying at? Not at my house. People who disrespectful my fucking rules are not welcomed. I need a damn apology first." Tete Bree asked Ally. "There staying in a hotel." Ally explained. "I want them to try me now. I was hurt when they attacked my ass bu-AHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed when when a butterfly flew in. My aunt swerved a little bit. "What the fuck happened!?" Shannon asked. "Its a demon in here! Get it out!"I yelled swinging my arms every where. "Babe its just a butterfly. Calm down." Ally said laughing at me. "Just a butterfly!? Just a butterfly!? Them things evil men! Look at there faces! Just fucking CREEPY!" I yelled and jumped on the floor when it swooped down. Tete Bree didn't make it any better when she let up all the windows. She sat there and laughed at me. "She is just like her mother. Both of them are terrified of butterflies." Tete Bree said.

When we finally pulled up to the house I was laying on the floor. I opened the door and flew out. That bitch decided to follow me. "Somebody get this demon away from me!" I yelled spinning around. I remembered I had the my key in my pocket. I ran towards the door and quickly unlocked it. Now I'm hungry. I stopped walking and grabbed a bag of hot fries. "After all that you probably loss twelve pounds." Shannon said walking in with the grocery's. "Look I could've died today. The thing sat on my chest and stared into my soul." I said putting down my bags. "Y/n help me get the rest of the grocery's." Tete Bree said walking in with a bag. Just a bag. Should've known she would make Shannon and I get all the bags. "Everyone is in the living room right now. So hurry up." She told me. I wasn't nervous at first but now I'm nervous. I walked out the front door lacking sure to duck and be sure that butterfly was gone. I walked to the car and grab about five bags in each hand. "Monkey!" I heard and a body attacked to me. Good thing I caught myself with the car. "Koala!" I yelled back. "I missed you." She said as I started walking with her still on me. "I missed you too but I could've dropped your ass and it wouldn't be my fault." I said laughing.

Issues (Ally/you) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt