3: Crush?

I have one real crush and several fictional crushes. I shall not tell you all who my real crush is. Nope! And I have too many fictional crushes to list. But I do love Effort ( OC belonging to CommanderDiamondShot).... shh! Don't tell Ace (who belongs to GhostlyGamer)!!

4: Kissed anyone?

Apparently when I was like two I kissed my cousins. And when I was little I'm sure I kissed my daddy. Other than them, no. And I do not plan to kiss anyone either. XD Siblings are different and that's not on the lips though. Like my little baby sister. She's got adorable kissable chubby cheeks! So cute!!

5: Coke or Pepsi?

Um, uh... um.... uuuuhhhhhhh.... I dunno.... I'll go with coke I guess. I like both, honestly, but I like Dr. Pepper and Root Beer even more! The fizziest sodas are the best!

6: Someone you hate?

Hate the sin, not the sinner. So no. I do not hate anyone, and if I do, then I need to get right with God and apologize to them.

7: Best friends?

I have many Wattpad friends and a couple of friends offline, but my closest best friends are SBGBWB(Megan, whom I know offline; she's been my best friend since I was four), SuperiorGhost, and CommanderDiamondShot.

8: Done alcohol?

Nope. I'm only 17, for one, and two: I don't taste anything that smells bad. XD I don't plan to ever drink. Especially since I've seen how it alters your mind.

9: Done drugs?

Oh good gravy, no! And I never will. Those also do bad things to you. Physically, emotionally, and mentally.

10: Dream job?

Um....something to do with animals; especially wild ones. I wish I could get a job like that without having to go to college though. I'm not gonna pay for college if I plan to be a stay at home mom and house wife anyways. So above all my dream jobs, what God intended for me and all women to be comes first.

11: Ever been in love?

*laughs* Nope! Crushes and saying you're in love is different. Someone who says they are in love but has never been married has no idea what they're talking about, because love is a choice and promise, not a feeling or emotion. And people who marry fall more and more in love every day they live together. So I don't believe that anyone experiences true love until they are married.

12: Last time you cried?

Last night. Almost this morning.

13: Favorite color?

Black, blood red, hunters green, navy blue/dark blue, teal, royal purple/dark purple, dark pink, and magenta.

14: Height?


15: Birthday?

November 30th.

16: Eye color?

Blue. A watery blue like my daddy's.

17: Hair color?

Like a light brown color.

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