Part 31 The Dream

Start from the beginning

Where the hell could they have gotten to. Gwen Said

Abby looked around and spotted a cave.

Maybe that went In there. Abby Said

Let's go look. Eric Said

Eric Abby and Gwen ran over to the cave and heard screaming coming from Inside they ran In and saw Rose on her knees and crying In front of a dead bull Eric ran over to her.

What happened ? Eric Asked Rose

Th...The monster came o...out again. Rose Said

What monster ? Eric Asked Rose

It comes out of me when I get angry and I can't control It and I'm afraid I'll hurt someone. Rose Said

Eric hugged her.

You're not a monster. Eric Said

Yes I am now leave me alone. Rose Said


Really you don't think I'm a monster. Rose Said

I've never thought you were a monster. Eric Said

Rose hugged Eric back then Gwen walked up holding Greg's unconscious body.

We should get back to camp. Gwen Said

Yes let's get back to camp. Eric Said

Eric helped Rose to her feet then they walked back to camp.

Is Greg gonna be ok ? Rose Asked Eric

Yes he's just unconscious and are you and Greg dating ? Eric Asked Rose

Ummmm yes are you angry. Rose Said

No just don't do anything Until you're both adults ok. Eric Said

I won't dad. Rose Said

Good now I'm gonna go cook us something to eat. Eric Said

Eric left the tent and Rose walked over and sat next to Greg who was still unconscious.

Where am I. greg Said

Your dreaming Greg. It Said

Who are you ? Greg Asked It

That Is not Important now I have something to tell you. It Said

What. Greg Said

Don't go to the ruins something bad will happen. It Said

What will happen ? Greg Asked It

I would tell you but we do not have enuf time. It Said

WAIT TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greg Yelled

Greg's eyes opened to see he was still In the tent he looked over and saw Rose sleeping next to him.

I have to warn everyone. Greg Said

Greg sat up and Rose's eyes opened and she jumped up and hugged Greg.

Your awake good I was afraid I had lost you. Rose Said

I'm fine but I had a dream. Greg Said

What kind of dream ? Rose Asked Greg

It was a warning that we shouldn't go to the ruins or something bad will happen. Greg Said

Really we should tell everyone tomorrow. Rose Said

So Is It night time then ? Greg Asked Rose

Yes It Is. Rose Said

Then I should probably get back to sleep. Greg Said

Yha we should can I sleep with you ? Rose Asked Greg

Sure. Greg Said

Greg scooted over and Rose layed next to him and they cuddled and fell asleep.

                                                          THE NEXT MORNING           

Eric woke up and yawned which woke up Abby she then yawned then they got up Abby kissed Eric.

What was that for ? Eric Asked Abby

What can't I kiss the man I love. Abby Said

Eric then kissed her.

If I can kiss the women I love. Eric Said

Let's go see If Greg Is awake yet. Abby Said

Ok let's go. Eric Said

Eric and Abby walked out of their tent and saw Greg and Rose playing Chess.

Good to see your ok. Eric Said

Yha there something I need to tell you. Greg Said

What. Eric Said

Well I think we shouldn't go to the ruins. Greg Said

Why ? Eric Asked Greg

I had a dream and something told me we should avoid It at all cost. Greg Said

Eric looked at him for a few seconds then turned around.

I'm not going on some dream where going to the ruins. Eric Said

YOU CANT SOMEONE WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greg Yelled

I'll make sure no one dies. Eric Said

Fine then when someone dies It's your fault. Greg Said

Eric rolled his eyes and walked away.

I'm sorry he didn't believe you. Rose Said

It don't matter someone's gonna die now. Greg Said

                                                         END OF CHAPTER                 

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