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Aren’t you the most cutest little button ever ?

 With your rosy cheeks, your soft (h/c) hair and your sweet (e/c) eyes, no one could resist you. You were a 11-month orphan baby girl, waiting to be adopted by  a happy and loving family. The workers of the orphanage loved you deeply, taking care of you since you were a little newborn.

 Your real mother left you at their door months ago and everyone wondered how someone abandoned such a sweet baby like you. The only thing left by your real mommy was a tiny, light brown teddy bear wearing a white bow on its neck and that plushie was your very best friend along these 11 month of your life. 

You couldn’t sleep without it, and you will always cry if he was not around you. Not that you were troublesome, you were a pretty calm and lovable child but this tiny teddy bear was already the most important thing in your life. 

And guess what ? Today is a big day for you, because you received the visit of your potential new parents. The employes prepped you specially for this occasion, brushing your soft and delicate baby hair, while putting your little (f/c) pastel dress matching the tiny shoes that you wore. A real sugar cube smiling playfully.

 Few hours later and the couple made their way to you, entering the meeting room as you eyed them with wide and shy (e/c) eyes. They were both middle-aged and looked relatively nice. The man smiled at you as the woman reached your little hand playfully.

“She’s adorable !” she stated as you watched her caring fingers wrapping around your hand. You glanced at her once more in the arm of the employed young girl who was carrying you around. You found her round glasses rather funny as you laughed a bit, showing your four teeth to the world. The heart of the middle-aged woman began to melt before so much cuteness.

“She’s a little sweetheart indeed.” chuckled the employed young woman, brushing your hair lightly with her hand. The man was a little shy and stayed behind his wife, watching the scene while feeling his heart melting as well. You were just too cute to be real. The rest of the meeting went rather well, the couple was more than ready to welcome you in their life and the employes, after checking all the needed documents and papers works, gladly proceeded to the next step. They seemed like good parents plus; they apparently already had kids. Sextuplets to be right.

“I’m sure (Y/N) will be pleased to be in a lively house. She’s a playful and happy child.” stated the young employed woman as she strolled down their family reports. The couple smiled happily at this news, visibly pleased by this news.

“(Y/N) will be the daughter we ever wanted…” began the middle-aged woman. That was true, they always wanted a girl, not that they didn’t loved their sons, they just wanted at least one daughter. Since they were too old for having a another child, they thought of adopting one. To be honest, they already planned to adopt you months ago. They just needed to accomplish all the procedure before so. The employed woman replied with a warm smile before taking some new documents behind her desk.

“Oh, i guess she’ll be lucky to have six older brothers caring for her then !” said the young woman as she handed them the papers with a black pen. “You need to sign here and there to complete the adoption…”

The couple glanced at each other with a determined and happy look as the husband stretch his arm to take the pen between his sweaty fingers. After signing the last paper, the employed women looked over the documents one last time, checking if everything was right, before smiling again to the lucky couple.

“Congratulation Mr and Mrs. Matsuno, i hope (Y/N) will be the daughter of your dream and you the family of hers.” 


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